Friday Finds for Writers

Treasure Chest
Writing-related resources, news, and reflections to enjoy over the weekend.

  • If you ask me to name my favorite poems, chances are that “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” will be at the top of my list. So you can imagine how fascinated I was to read Mark Levine’s New York Times Magazine article all about the poem (and the teaching of it).
  • When I read Levine’s essay on “Prufrock,” I’d just finished reading David Payne’s searing new memoir, Barefoot to Avalon: A Brother’s Story, in which the poem occupies a powerful place. For more on David’s book, I suggest that you read Alizah Salario’s take for Los Angeles Review of Books (the focus on Payne’s book is largely in the piece’s second half).
  • “We spent almost three weeks at Dorland Mountain Arts Colony to write.” So begins an intriguing dispatch from married writers Anna Leahy and Douglas Dechow on their Lofty Ambitions blog.
  • Last weekend brought the inaugural HippoCamp Creative Nonfiction Conference, one excellent result of which is Allison Williams’s post on the Brevity blog, “Making the Most of a Writing Conference.”
  • Finally, over on Writer Unboxed: Sharon Bially offers some practical points on “nailing your email subject line.” Important for book-promotion purposes. (And, I find more and more, for all purposes!)
  • Have a great weekend, everyone.