Words of the Week

“The whole point of ‘Anti-Zionism on Campus’ is that it takes courage to speak out in defense of Israel on campus today. ‘[C]ampus anti-Israelists are in it for the long haul,’ writes [Andrew] Pessin in an epilogue titled ‘Inconclusive, Unscientific Postscript: On the Purpose of the University, and a Ray of Hope.’ He continues: ‘It remains unclear whether those who do not believe that Israel is an unqualified abomination will be able to stay in it for the long haul as well. It is a hard battle to fight, and the personal costs are great.’

His words are intended to inspire — and, perhaps, to shame — the reader to speak up for his or her convictions in the face of anti-Zionism wherever it is found. When compared with what others have already given to the cause of the Jewish state, and what the citizens of Israel continue to give, it is not much to ask of anyone who proudly calls himself or herself a Zionist.”

Source: Jonathan Kirsch, review of Anti-Zionism on Campus: The University, Free Speech and BDS, edited by Andrew Pessin and Doron S. Ben-Atar (Jewish Journal)