Images of the Week

I’ve just returned from a trip to Israel. Among the lasting impressions from this trip are mental imprints from a “War Diary” video installation that I sat through multiple times over the course of two visits to ANU/Museum of the Jewish People. The video includes 300 news photos shot in the Gaza Envelope region after the October 7 massacre and during the ensuing war. (Suffice to say that these are a genre of photos you’ve not seen featured regularly on the front pages of The New York Times or The Washington Post.)

Twenty-first-century technology makes it possible for me to share these images with you. Your encounter will be different for multiple reasons—not least because viewing on your phone or laptop cannot possibly be the same as seeing the images projected on a dedicated wall at the museum, as part of an exhibition titled “October Seventh.”

One other difference, though, you can try to bridge.


Words of the Week: Herta Müller

“In the novel ‘Doctor Faustus’ by Thomas Mann it is said that National Socialism ‘made everything German in the world intolerable.’ I have the impression that the strategy of Hamas and its supporters is to make everything Israeli, and therefore everything Jewish, intolerable to the world.”

Source: Nobel literature laureate Herta Müller, “I Cannot Imagine the World Without Israel” (delivered May 25).

Words of the Week: Alexandra Orbuch

“Being an adult means internalizing that actions have consequences and that accountability is vital for the functioning of civil society. On campuses across the country, students are taking away a very different message—a message of entitlement. You can interfere with the learning of your fellow students, trespass on private property, and blatantly disobey direct orders without fear of serious repercussions. In fact, if you double down on the path of obstinacy, intimidation, and harassment, the world will accede to your demands.”

Source: Alexandra Orbuch, “Mob Education at the Ivies” (Tablet)