Markets & Jobs for Writers

Background of a keyboard, mug of coffee, and wallet on a tabletop; text label indicating "Markets and Jobs for Writers: No fees to submit work/apply. Paying gigs only."

Each week in this space, Practicing Writing shares no-fee, paying markets for writers of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction: competitions, contests, and calls for submissions. These weekly posts complement monthly issues of The Practicing Writer newsletter, where you’ll always find more listings, none of them limiting eligibility to residents of a single municipality, state, or province. (But this blog does share those more localized opportunities, including jobs.)

As always, if you’d like to share a specific opportunity listed here, please credit the blog for the find. Thanks for respecting the time and effort that I put into researching, curating, and posting this information! I do notice, and I appreciate the courtesy.

  • Submissions for issue 56.2 of Poetry Wales remain open until July 31. The publication seeks “to celebrate the wide range of writing that is happening across Wales and beyond” and welcomes submissions “from everyone.” This issue “is likely to include features on mental health and wellness, so poems on this subject are among those which may find favour.” Pays: “Poems £20/page. Reviews £67.50/1500-word review. Articles £200/3000 word, or in that proportion, depending on number of published words.”
  • Also closing July 31: submissions for an upcoming issue of Stonecrop Review on the theme of “Fauna”: “Cities are becoming increasingly rich with animal life: rats, pigeons, sparrows, squirrels, and raccoons, but also peregrines, herons, coyotes, and bobcats. Whether you’ve come face-to-face with an urban animal, or simply seen evidence of its presence, we want to see your artwork and photography and read your stories! Although cities are often more accepting of their wild fauna, many are still seen as pests; we’d love to see submissions that explore these complexities of animals in the city.” Note: “Stonecrop Review accepts five types of submissions: Creative Non-Fiction, Fiction, Reader’s Corner, Artwork, Photography.” Pays: “Every contributor receives an honorarium of $20.”
  • Fiction submissions for Timeworn Literary Journal close on August 1 (although the site indicates that they “now have rolling submissions for #ownvoices short stories only”). They welcome “unpublished historical fiction submissions in English under 5,000 words. They should be set before 1996, rooted in history and voice-driven. We’re looking for ‘Historical Fiction from the fringe.’ Work with a bend toward the surreal, the dream-like, the strange. The offbeat kind of story that settles into your heart long after reading. That said, we also value beauty and warmth and a generally well-written story with soul. Romance, Mystery, Crime and the Gothic are all acceptable. Speculative elements strongly encouraged.” Payment: $25 plus print contributor copy.
  • From San Francisco-based Foglifter Press: “If you’re a local youth (-25) or elder (50+), it’s a great day to apply to our LGBTQ+ emerging writer fellowships. We wanna pay you, publish you, and work alongside you make an issue of our journal! Deadline August 1st!”
  • New-award alert: “The Gotham Book Prize is awarded once a year to the best book (works of fiction and nonfiction are eligible) published that calendar year that either is about New York City or takes place in New York City. The winner will receive $50,000. Selections will be reviewed by an independent jury with the winner selected by the prize’s co-founders/ funders. The first prize will be awarded in December 2020.” Nominations due by November 1. “Books about or set in New York City slated to be published between November 1 and December 31 should be sent to the jury before publication to be considered.”
  • Can you believe that it’s the last week of July? You know what that means: The August issue of The Practicing Writer will be going out to subscribers SOON. Meantime, make sure you haven’t missed anything that was listed in the July newsletter.
  • Paid internship (remote-work position): “Audubon, the editorially independent publication of the National Audubon Society, uses explanatory and advocacy journalism, as well as stunning original photography, to inform its readers about the natural world, inspire them to care passionately about that world, and motivate them to take action on its behalf. Audubon’s editorial intern contributes meaningfully to that effort via both the print publication and website. Ideal candidates will have strong writing and communication skills as well as an interest in covering topics ranging from science and conservation news to environmental and social justice. A basic level of comfort with science is a must, but the heart of this seasonal internship is reporting, pitching, researching, and writing. At the end of the experience, the intern should walk away with solid clips as well as an in-depth understanding of what it’s like to work as an editor at a major publication. This paid internship is up to 35 hours per week and lasts approximately 15 weeks, running from September through the end of December (start and end dates are flexible).” Pay rate: $15/hr.
  • “The New York Public Library’s Department of Communications and Marketing seeks a creative Social Media Associate with a passion for the Library and its mission, a love for all things literary, and the ability to engage the Library’s social media communities.”
  • In Whidbey Island, Washington, Hedgebrook seeks an Executive Director.
  • The Chicago Humanities Festival seeks a Social Media Specialist (Temporary Remote Contractor). “This is an hourly contractor position for August–December 2020, at 28 hours per week. Salary range is $20–$35 per hour DOE.” (H/T @WeisChoice)
  • “The Department of English Literature at Swarthmore College [Pennsylvania] invites applications for a tenure-track open-rank position in creative writing with a specialization in fiction; secondary expertise in fields including but not limited to creative nonfiction or poetry desirable but not required. Teaching load is 2/2. This position will start in August 2021.”
on a tabletop: a keyboard, a mug of coffee, and a wallet with cash, plus a text label announcing Markets and Jobs for Writers