Guest Post: Chloé Yelena Miller on Preparing for a Writing Retreat

Please extend a warm welcome to our guest blogger, Chloé Yelena Miller, whom you may remember from a previous post. Today, Chloé shares some thoughts as she approaches a writing retreat. She’ll be back with another post once she has returned home. Chloé has poems published or forthcoming in Alimentum Journal, Lumina,, South Mountain Poets Chapbook, Sink Review and The Cortland Review. Her manuscript, Permission to Stay, was a finalist for the Philip Levine Prize in Poetry. She teaches writing online for Fairleigh Dickinson University and edits Portal Del Sol. She received an M.F.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and a B.A. from Smith College.

A Women’s Writing Retreat: One Woman’s Treat and Necessity
Chloé Yelena Miller

I have never seen a desert, and I am obsessed with Georgia O’Keeffe. The Writers’ Retreat, hosted by A Room of her Own, adds writing to the mix of a desert landscape and O’Keeffe’s home. What could be better?

I have been in love with O’Keeffe’s work since I first saw an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in New York as a child. The landscape that helped to form her art was so different from my own setting: urban New Jersey. I remember sitting cross-legged on the carpet in my parents’ living room looking through her oversized book One Hundred Flowers. This upcoming retreat feels like a homecoming as visual art brings me to a writing space.

A black and white portrait of Georgia O’Keeffe has been pinned over my desk since high school. It has traveled with me from New Jersey to Massachusetts to Italy to New York and finally to Michigan. This year’s retreat’s theme is “My Country is the Whole World” (Virginia Woolf.) Perfect.

We all need more time and space to write. While I am working part time and have been dedicating much of my time to my writing this last year, being surrounded by other writers and attending classes (far from laundry, bills to pay, and other time-
consuming tasks) can only spur my writing, editing of past work, and contemplation of ideas. I truly can’t wait. (On the other hand, there is a pile of procrastination that must get done before I can leave.)

I enjoy the company of forward-thinking, creative women. There are always potential risks to gathering folks around one aspect of themselves, but since we will have two – writing and our gender – in common, we shouldn’t have any problems. I imagine this will be similar to my experience at Smith College. I chose Smith College not because it was an all-women’s school, but because of the type of motivated students it attracted. There is indeed something special about being surrounded by women.

I look forward to attending classes, writing and hopefully talking at length to the other writers. I will be in a workshop led by Laura Fraser, whose book An Italian Affair I recently gobbled up in three evenings. From the memoir, I think she is a woman after my own heart. I have been doing some freelance writing and hope to improve my hand at not only being honest, but including facts in my writing (a puddle-jump from my poetry.) I promise you the same in a blog post when I return.

I hope to return rejuvenated and with a long list of books to read, craft challenges, ideas for future pieces and if I’m lucky, the start to a few new pieces.

Aside from small festivals and short workshops, I haven’t returned to the humble state of student for some time. As a writing teacher, I know how important this is. I was a poetry writing graduate student at Sarah Lawrence College and attended the Western Michigan State University’s program in Prague (where I met our lovely, creative and energized Erika) and was a resident at the Vermont Studio Center. I learned something new in each program.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, as perhaps it might keep me honest), I will be finishing teaching an online course during the retreat. I hope I will have some time every day to log into the class and grade papers as they come in. I’m a wee bit nervous about combining the two activities and doing both well simultaneously. I will also admit that while I can’t wait to see the desert, I am not someone who loves the heat. I will report back about how hot “dry heat” really is.

Writing students must expect as much from the program itself as from the other students. We all have a lot to do to prepare. I’ve been reading works by the authors who will be there, listening to interviews online, and tweaking my own writing for workshops. I’m ready.

Moving Day

It’s Moving Day for this practicing writer, and it looks as though I won’t have Internet access at home until the middle of next week. So I’ll be taking a brief blogging break until then.

In the meantime, we’ve got PLENTY of archived posts for you to read, not to mention some very useful links on the right-hand side of your screen. And don’t forget the August issue of our newsletter, which went out to subscribers last night. Hopefully, all of that should tide you over until I’m back here, blogging from my nifty new space.

Editing Sarah Palin

One of my co-workers, someone who does plenty of editing, told me about this Vanity Fair Web-exclusive piece.

If you watched Sarah Palin’s resignation speech, you know one thing: her high-priced speechwriters moved back to the Beltway long ago. Just how poorly constructed was the governor’s holiday-weekend address? We asked V.F.’s red-pencil-wielding executive literary editor, Wayne Lawson, together with representatives from the research and copy departments, to whip it into publishable shape. Here is the colorful result.

The result is certainly colorful. It also provides some useful editorial reminders/pointers.

Still, I don’t necessarily agree with all of the editors’ decisions. For instance, starting several consecutive sentences with the same word can be an effective stylistic choice. (On the other hand, there’s no need to emphasize your honesty by declaring that you’ve been speaking “candidly, truthfully.” Score one for the editors there.)

By the way, to keep things fair, I’d be happy to read and link to anything similar concerning a speech given by a Democratic politican. Please share!

TBR: Choosing Africa, by B. Susan Bauer

B. Susan Bauer is another wonderful writer I’ve had the good fortune to get to know via the Internet. We’ve been corresponding ever since we began finding that lots of our comments in online writing fora seemed to be in sync. And I’m so glad we discovered that.

Now, Susan has announced the publication of her memoir, Choosing Africa. Subtitled “A Midlife Journey from Mission to Meaning,” the book centers around the experiences of six years in Namibia, where Susan and her husband lived and taught. I haven’t yet read the book, but I have read, and much enjoyed, several of Susan’s Africa-inspired writings, which have appeared in The Apalachee Review, Transitions Abroad, and The Raleigh Quarterly.

Susan is a special soul, and I am so happy to be able to congratulate her on her book’s publication. If her story sounds interesting to you, please visit the Choosing Africa Web site to learn more.

Monday Morning Markets/Jobs/Opportunities: Coming Soon!

So, I had a fabulous weekend with my friends (and I did get to read The Atlantic issue I told you about on Friday), but my flight back to New York was delayed nearly eight hours. I just got home, and it is 1:45 a.m. as I type this, and I do owe the New York State taxpayers a full day of work not too many hours from now. Plus, I want to take some time to proof the post I’d readied late last week. I’ll get the usual Monday post up sometime before it becomes Tuesday (where I am, at least!). Promise!