Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Elie Wiesel (1928-2016)

Have spent a lot of time these past several days thinking of Elie Wiesel, who died Saturday at the age of 87.


I was in his presence three times: first, attending a 1986 lecture of his following the Nobel prize announcement; next, at a much smaller event, a lunch during my senior year of college (shortly after I’d written a paper that quoted frequently from his book From the Kingdom of Memory); and finally, just a few years ago at a New York City fundraiser (again, a large event). I’ve read much (but not enough) of his work. And over these past several days, I’ve been reading many of the tributes. (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Tally_marks-Five-bar_Gate.svgTally Time!

My fellow Poetry Has Value bloggers and I sent in our May “stats” (re: submissions, acceptances, rejections, and so forth) and Jessica Piazza has posted them. I recommend that you read them all if you have the time–this month’s posts include some frank talk on submission fees, simultaneous submissions, and a number of other topics that we’ve all thought about. But if you’re in a hurry to read the discrete update from yours truly, you’ll find it right here. (more…)