Between Collaboration and Resistance: French Literary Life Under Nazi Occupation

Yesterday, I had some time between an afternoon day job-related meeting at the CUNY Graduate Center and an evening panel at the same location (not for the day job!), so I decided to mosey on over to the New York Public Library to visit a new exhibition, “Between Collaboration and Resistance: French Literary Life Under Nazi Occupation.”

The subject of French literary life under (and immediately following) Nazi occupation is something I studied as an undergraduate and have remained fascinated by for years. It’s not a simple matter (for one thing, the divisions between “collaboration” and “resistance” aren’t always clear). The exhibition does an excellent job presenting a complicated topic. Lots of books, journals, letters, etc. incorporated in the process. Video/newsreel footage, too.

If you’ll be around 5th Avenue/42nd Street before the end of July (the exhibition runs through July 25), do stop in and take a look. It’s free!

Calling Carter on His Claims

As if the OJ book weren’t enough…now we have to deal with something that has actually been published. Worse, it has the potential to cause harm worldwide thanks to its faulty content and promulgation of anti-Israel mythologies.

Chances are you’ve seen former U.S. President Jimmy Carter promoting his new pro-Palestinian book lately (I’m not going to promote the title here) on television. Maybe you’ve read magazine/blog/newspaper coverage, too. He’s sure been getting a lot of sympathetic press and the book is a best-seller (and let’s all remember, of course, that he’s finding this success and much-more-than-15-minutes-of-fame within a media controlled by the “pro-Israel lobby,” as we’re told repeatedly by my not-so-favorite source, the National Book Critics Circle blog, and others). I’m not going to make it easy for anyone who wants to indulge in that kind of groundless and incendiary prose, but if you want evidence of I’m talking about (that would be understandable–I like evidence, too), you can Google “National Book Critics Circle,” find the blog, and search for the “interview” the NBCC president posted on November 29 with the former American president. Look for the follow-up piece as well. I’m trying to limit my time over at that blog these days, but I’d bet there’s been no subsequent follow-up describing the serious charges now being leveled against the book’s accuracy, the NBCC president’s claims (which, unfortunately, I suffered through when he contacted me personally–totally uninvited–to try to convey to me) to be focused on “content” notwithstanding.

To say that Jimmy Carter is pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel is an understatement, and, considering his accomplishments a generation ago at Camp David, it’s an almost unbelievably sad one. (It’s especially sad for me–my first time in a voting booth was November of 1976, when I watched my mom vote for Carter, Mondale, and Daniel Patrick Moynihan [we lived in New York at the time]. And my first letter to a public official [I was in second grade] was to Carter, whom I admired back then. Let’s just say I’m not quite so admiring now.)

Trouble is, lots of people are giving his book credibility.

Why should you or I have any doubts about it?

I’ll leave it to experts like Ken Stein and Dennis Ross to explain, as they did last evening on CNN:

Source: CNN’s “Situation Room”:

I’m Wolf Blitzer. You’re in THE SITUATION ROOM.

Former President Jimmy Carter is responding to the controversy flaring over his new best seller on the Middle East. A long time associate has now resigned in protest, calling the book one sided and inflammatory. President Carter says he’s not anti-Israel, he’s simply he says trying to spur the peace process forward.

Let’s turn to our Brian Todd, he’s watching this controversy unfold — Brian.

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, the former president has said he wanted his new book to be provocative. He may not have counted on this.


TODD (voice-over): A former president, now stands accused of taking sides, by some of those who worked closest with him on Middle East peace. Among Jimmy Carter’s critics, Emory University Professor Ken Stein, who just resigned as a Carter Center fellow. He tells CNN Carter’s new book, “Palestine Peace not Apartheid” distorts history.

KENNETH STEIN, RESIGNED FROM CARTER CENTER: I don’t believe that a former president of the United States has special privilege or prerogative to write history and perhaps invent it.

TODD: What is your problem with this title, “Palestine Peace not Apartheid”?

STEIN: There’s too much emotion in the Arab-Israel conflict already and I think this adds heat rather than light. When you use the word apartheid, what you’re doing is you’re saying that what Israel is doing to the Palestinians in the territories is equivalent to what happened to the blacks in South Africa.

TODD: President Carter claims he’s not insinuating that Israel is perpetrating racial apartheid, but…

JIMMY CARTER, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Israel has penetrated and occupied, confiscated and colonized major portions of the territory belonging to the Palestinians.

TODD: As for the inaccuracies Stein alleges are in the book, most deal with dates or events. Carter says he fact checked the book with a prominent Middle East journalist and an Emory University history professor who also works at the Carter Center. But Stein also suggests Carter took material without attribution.

STEIN: Two of the maps that appear on page 148 of the book are very similar, are incredibly similar, to two maps that appeared in Dennis Ross’ memoir, “The Missing Peace.”

TODD: But Stein is clear, he is not accusing Jimmy Carter of plagiarism. As for the former president?

CARTER: My maps came from an Atlas that’s publicly available.


TODD: We tried to contact the firm that Carter says he got those maps from, it’s called the Applied Research Institute in Jerusalem to see if they got those maps from Dennis Ross. We were unable to reach that company. A spokeswoman for President Carter’s publisher, Simon and Schuster, says they are tracking all of these accusations, but they stand by the president’s book — Wolf.

BLITZER: Brian, thank you for that. And as Brian just reported, Professor Stein at Emory suggests the former president’s book contains several maps that are extremely similar to those in a memoir by a top veteran of Middle East policy.

And joining us now is Dennis Ross, he’s the former chief U.S. Middle East negotiator. He’s the author of “The Missing Peace, The inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace.” An important book on the subject. Dennis thanks very much for coming in. So who is right, the former president of the United States, Jimmy Carter, or Ken Stein who worked with him for a long time, a man you know quite well?

DENNIS ROSS, AUTHOR, “THE MISSING PEACE”: Well, look, I’m not going to get into a debate over who is right, other than to say that in terms of what I have seen from the book, and I have to be clear, I haven’t read the book, but I looked at the maps.

BLITZER: You haven’t read “Palestine Peace not Apartheid”?

ROSS: I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but I looked at the maps and the maps he uses are maps that are drawn basically from my book. There’s no other way they could — even if he says they come from another place. They came originally from my book. BLITZER: We’re going to put them up on the screen on the wall behind you. But the whole notion, what’s the big deal if he lifted maps from your book and put them in his book?

ROSS: You know, the attribution issue is one thing, the fact that he’s labeled them as an Israeli interpretation of the Clinton idea is just simply wrong. The maps were maps that I created because at Camp David and then with the Clinton ideas, we never presented maps, but we presented percentages of withdrawal and we presented as well criteria for how to draw the lines. So after I left the government, when I wrote this book, I actually commissioned a mapmaker, to take those and produce them for the first time.

BLITZER: And then he put virtually the same map in his book without saying this came from you. I want you to listen to what he said specifically about this. Listen to this.


CARTER: I’ve never seen Dennis Ross’ book. I’m not knocking it, I’m sure it’s a very good book, but my maps came from an atlas that’s publicly available. And I think it’s the most authentic map that you can get.


BLITZER: You heard his explanation how– would you say your maps wound up in his book.

ROSS: Well, the reality is the place he got it from, had to get it from mine. I published it before, number one. Number two, you would think that if you wanted to write about the facts of what went on, you would go to a book where a participant actually wrote them and then developed the maps in light of what we had put on the table. Now, again, if the purpose is to say, you’re presenting facts, then you should present facts. To say that his map is an Israeli interpretation of the Clinton ideas is simply not true. These were the Clinton ideas. If he were to say that…

BLITZER: On that point, he’s told me that he understands better what happened at Camp David, where you were one of the principal negotiators, than the former president himself. I want you to listen to this exchange that we had the other day, right here in THE SITUATION ROOM.


CARTER: I hate to dispute Bill Clinton on your program, because he did a great and heroic effort there. He never made a proposal that was accepted by Barak or Arafat.

BLITZER: Why would he write that in his book if he said Barak accepted and Arafat rejected it?

CARTER: I don’t know. You can check with all the records, Barak never did accept it. (END VIDEO CLIP)

ROSS: That’s simply not so.

BLITZER: Who is right, Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton on this question which is so relevant as to whether or not the Israelis at Camp David at the end of the Bill Clinton administration accepted the proposals the U.S. put forward?

ROSS: The answer is President Clinton. The Israelis said yes to this twice, first at Camp David, there were a set of proposals that were put on the table that they accepted. And then were the Clinton parameters, the Clinton ideas which were presented in December, their government, meaning the cabinet actually voted it. You can go back and check it, December 27th the year 2000, the cabinet voted to approve the Clinton proposal, the Clinton ideas. So this is — this is a matter of record. This is not a matter of interpretation.

BLITZER: So you’re saying Jimmy Carter is flat wrong.

ROSS: On this issue, he’s wrong. On the issue of presenting his map as an Israeli interpretation of the Clinton ideas, that’s simply not so.

BLITZER: What about this issue that is part of the title of his book that Israel in effect has created an apartheid on the West Bank in the Palestinian territories?

ROSS: You know obviously I disagree with that. You know I would, as a general point, Wolf, I would say everybody’s entitled to their own opinion. They are not entitled to their own facts. One of the reasons I wrote this book was to lay out what had actually happened. We live in a world, especially in the Middle East, where part of the reason we have a conflict is because we have mythologies and you can’t reconcile the mythologies. You want to make peace, you have to reconcile to reality.

BLITZER: The — and when I interviewed him, he said he hopes this book does spark a serious debate. Earlier today, though, he says that U.S. politicians, the news media are intimidated by the Israel lobby in the United States and they really don’t speak out forcefully on the Palestinian question. Listen precisely to what he said.


CARTER: There’s a tremendous intimidation in this country that has silenced our people, and it’s not just individuals, it’s not just folks that are running for office. It’s the news media as well.


BLITZER: What do you say to that charge, that’s a very serious charge.

ROSS: Well, has it silenced him at this point or did it silence him up until now? Are we to presume that everything he has said up until today was a function of intimidation and now he’s not intimidated?

BLITZER: So your bottom line on his book, “Palestine Peace not Apartheid”, because it is sparking a lot of controversy out there.

ROSS: My bottom line is if you put something in here that I can see without question is not what the reality was, not what the fact was, that is in a sense, helping to promote a mythology, not a fact. I can — look, we have to understand a certain history here. President Carter made a major contribution to peace in the Middle East. That’s the reality.

BLITZER: In 1978 and ’79, the Camp David Accords.

ROSS: And the Egyptian/Israeli Peace Treaty, there’s no question about that. I would like him to meet the same standard that he applied then to what he’s doing now.

BLITZER: Dennis Ross, thanks very much for coming in.

ROSS: You’re welcome.

Standards, indeed. Would that “the media,” bloggers and the commenters who respond to them included, might aspire to them as well.

Bravo for Bibliographies

One popular link/topic on litblogs this week seems to be Tuesday’s New York Times article on what’s described as a new trend in fiction: “Traditionally confined to works of nonfiction, the bibliography has lately been creeping into novels, rankling critics who call it a pretentious extension of the acknowledgments page, which began appearing more than a decade ago and was roundly derided as the tacky literary equivalent of the Oscar speech.”

The article reveals some of the reasons why some “purists” aren’t terribly fond of these bibliographies, and why some writers are.

As for me, as a writer and a reader, I’m all for them, especially in historical fiction. Here’s why.

I was halfway through Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun when I ran across the Times article. But I’d already skipped ahead to the end–not to see “what happened” on the novel’s last page, but to see if there was, in fact, a bibliography or author’s note on sources appended.

Why? Because I’m not (at all) familiar with the time or place in which Adichie’s novel takes place. I was becoming curious. I wondered if there were particular writers/books that had influenced Adichie in crafting the novel and where I might turn to learn more.

True, I’m also something of a documentation nut, and a professionally trained historian. But one of the reasons I love fiction–including historical fiction–is because it does more than “simply” entertain me. The best fiction also makes me think, and question, and learn. And including an author’s note or list of books/sources extends that learning experience beyond “THE END.”

So if this is a new literary “fad” of some sort, here’s hoping it lasts a long time.

An Update

If you recall my pre-Rosh Hashanah post on my discomfort with the National Book Critics Circle blog (and specifically, its tendency to express/promote distinctly anti-Israel views), you may be interested to know what’s happened since.

At times, that anti-Israel preoccupation (primarily on the part of the organization’s president; one other blog reader posted a comment in which s/he called it the president’s “kvetching about Israel”) seemed to fade. So I was a little more comfortable with remaining a member. Not that I didn’t still put my two cents (or more) in when it seemed necessary. Even while I was away on the residency.

But it became emotionally draining. And when I saw myself mentioned on the blog (the words “NBCC member” prefaced my name and a link to a piece published several weeks earlier) just a short scroll away from a post I found (once again) utterly biased (and, frankly, offensive to anyone who even attempts to understand that Arab-Israeli conflicts, whether involving the Palestinians or Lebanon, simply cannot be viewed through a stubbornly reductionist lens in which the Arabs are always Israel’s “innocent victims”) I’d had enough.

So last week, I resigned from the National Book Critics Circle. I may not have done my career too much good through this episode. But I’ve eased my conscience.

And an ancillary benefit: now I don’t feel compelled to check in at that blog every day to see what new mischief’s going on. Which, I have to tell you, is a real relief. Though I admit I can’t help wondering if my message finally got through and if someone on the board may finally have persuaded the president to keep his personal political opinions separate from the organization’s blog.