And Speaking of Ethics

And speaking of ethics, this is just a friendly reminder to other writing newsletter editors/publishers that the contest and submission call information I post both in the newsletter and on this blog is the product of my own research and writing.

When I quote directly from a listing, I use quotation marks; when I don’t, it’s my own writing, and I’d appreciate it if you did not republish it without my permission. Or, at the very least, attribution.

Just look through this blog (or recent issues of our newsletter) for examples. You’ll see that whenever I locate a writing or publishing opportunity from another blog/announcement list/Web site/newsletter rather than discovering it on my own I list (and link) the source. It helps us all to know about good resources for locating these opportunities, even if some of them may be “competitors.”

I believe attribution is the polite and ethical way to go, and I’m always happy to find others practicing a similar code of writerly/editorial conduct. So I send warm thanks to those of you who already do link to this blog whenever you pass along information you find here, and I hope one day we’ll all be doing the right thing as far as this is concerned.

Jim Lehrer at Harvard

It’s Commencement time this week here in Cambridge. Which means it’s Reunion time, too. Which means I’m going to spend the next couple days catching up with old friends and not spending very much time at the computer at all.

But if you want some writing-related material in the meantime, you might read the speech journalist Jim Lehrer delivered at Harvard’s Commencement yesterday. His main point was more about politics than writing (consider that fair warning) but there are plenty of writing-related tidbits included. I especially like Lehrer’s own guidelines on the practice of journalism (starting with “Do nothing I cannot defend” and “Cover, write and present every story with the care I would want if the story were about me”).

Have a great weekend.

Post-Conference Post #2

And now for a more leisurely report on my weekend at Grub Street’s 2006 “Muse and the Marketplace Conference”:

(For more information and the full 2006 program, including brief descriptions of the many workshops I was not able to attend, click here. By the way, until I figure out how to include captions with the photos you’ll have to bear with me. For the curious, the photo to the right shows Michael Lowenthal and James Wood listening to Grace Paley at the Sunday Keynote Brunch. And if any of you have tips on how to manage such captions [is this something managed through Blogger or through my beleaguered-and-outdated iPhoto program?] please tell me!)

My Saturday highlights included sessions led by Matthew Pearl (“The Thrill of History”) and the aforementioned Michael Lowenthal (“Clockwatchers: Time Management in Fiction”). Pearl’s workshop featured plenty of lively audience discussion on historical fiction: what it is, how we write it, how we read it, what “ethics” may (or may not) apply in working within this field. Pearl also treated us to the first public reading from his new novel, The Poe Shadow. That’s definitely going on my to-read list.

For Lowenthal’s workshop, we’d been e-mailed a reading assignment in advance (this is perhaps a good moment to mention that Grub Street’s conference is exceedingly well-organized). On Saturday, Lowenthal offered an exceptionally detailed close reading of a chapter from Richard Yates’s Revolutionary Road to illustrate how a fiction writer can employ chronology as a tool in the fiction “toolbox.” And guess what? We need not rely solely on our beloved space breaks! There are other ways to go back and forth in time in fiction.

Why is this important? Because these shifts, as we saw in the careful analysis of the Yates novel excerpt, can add so much richness to our understanding of a character’s goals and emotions. (The second reading assignment, by the way, was an excerpt from Alice Munro’s story, “Chance,” in the Runaway collection.)

For me, Lowenthal’s workshop was followed by a meeting with an agent in the “Manuscript Mart.” The Manuscript Mart was also conducted really well–Grub “officials” enforced time limits and the agent with whom I met had, indeed, received the materials I’d forwarded through Grub. Even better, she’d enjoyed what I’d sent!

Sunday’s program began, in my case, with James Wood’s very smart session on “How to Narrate.” It was wonderful to hear Wood read–in his British accent–from two Henry James novels. Frankly, as soon as I saw that Wood had given us handouts of James excerpts I knew it would be a seminar I’d like. Since I’ve fairly recently read What Maisie Knew (I took the reading suggestion from Brian Kiteley’s points about this book [a divorce story told from a child’s perspective] in The 3 A.M. Epiphany), I was particularly interested to hear Wood’s comments on that work. But the overall point Wood seemed to emphasize was how a third-person point of view can afford a great freedom. (I’ve always thought so. I usually don’t write fiction in the first-person and have sometimes wondered why it really does seem to appeal to so many writers so often.)

After the morning sessions everyone gathered for the keynote brunch. Grace Paley read from her work and answered questions on the topic of “writers as agents of social change.” She read fiction (a short story titled, “Wants”); nonfiction (an utterly amazing piece–perhaps even more powerful read aloud by the author than it would be on the page, but I haven’t yet tracked it down to find out for certain) called “Three Days and a Question”; a piece she described as between fiction and nonfiction (I didn’t catch the title!); and a poem titled “Responsibility.” (You can read this poem, albeit somewhat piecemeal, here.)

It was all pretty riveting.

Overall, it was a terrific conference. Congratulations to Grub Street on (another) job very well done!

Avoiding Plagiarism

All the recent focus on (possible) plagiarism in the work of a certain young writer has reminded me of an excellent book I reviewed little over a year ago. See my Community College Week review of Charles Lipson’s Doing Honest Work in College: How to Prepare Citations, Avoid Plagiarism, and Achieve Real Academic Success (University of Chicago Press), subsequently posted at Lipson’s Web site.

Lipson also provides many useful links to resources to help writers and teachers do honest work.

The Latest Literary "Scandal"

Although her writerly transgressions–apparently, instances of plagiarism–are by no means the same as those James Frey committed, Kaavya Viswanathan seems to be earning a similar amount of press attention regarding her highly-touted (and highly-paid) debut novel, How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life. Instead of sending you to many different sources to read about it, I’m just going to recommend that you keep up with the daily coverage over at GalleyCat.

Don’t get me started on the faults in education today (yes, even at my beloved Harvard, where Viswanathan is a sophomore). Crediting others for their ideas and/or words isn’t something that seems to matter very much anymore. And as students launch into the writing profession there’s little reason to expect more specialized attention to such matters. Even in my MFA program (at another institution) I was treated as a totally unreasonable soul for suggesting that the curriculum should cover source documentation (MLA, CMS…something!) for the single “critical” project we had to do.

If writing educators don’t attend to ethical issues where “critical” writing is concerned, I don’t know how we might begin to hope the situation can improve with “creative” efforts. But it’s obviously high time to think about some real ethics education for creative writers.