TBR: Flight from the Reich: Refugee Jews, 1933-1946

OK, so a book titled Flight from the Reich: Refugee Jews, 1933-1946 may seem an unlikely contender for a beach reading list. But after reading Adam Kirsch’s review on Tablet yesterday, I went right to Amazon.com and ordered it. And it is coming with me to the beach in August (that is, if I don’t somehow tear through it before then).

It’s not just Kirsch’s review, of course, that has drawn me to the book. It’s the connection with my own family history, which I’ve referenced on this blog and elsewhere. It’s the fact that my own paternal grandparents were in “flight from the Reich,” refugee Jews in the United States from the late 1930s on.

Do read the review. And then, if you are so inclined, read the book. And tell me what you think.

French Connections

Two articles in yesterday’s New York Times really caught my attention.

First up is this profile of Samuel Pisar. I met the Pisar family back in 1990, when I was spending a semester in Paris. During my undergraduate years at Harvard, I held a termtime job in the admissions office, and while I was in Paris I was an unofficial “greeter” for local students who had just been admitted to the school. One of them was named Leah Pisar (Leah is multiply referenced and quoted in the article, too). Meeting her father, a Holocaust survivor, all those years ago made my subsequent reading of his harrowing memoir, Of Blood and Hope, all the more powerful.

Next, sadly, is a story of all-too-contemporary anti-Semitism in my beloved France. In the print edition, this appears on the same page as the Pisar profile. Which, for some reason, also affects me profoundly.

A Visit to the New Illinois Holocaust Museum: Guest Post from B.J. Epstein

A Visit to the New Illinois Holocaust Museum

by B.J. Epstein

On my last trip back to my hometown of Chicago, my grandparents, mother, and I went to the new Illinois Holocaust Museum. Now, I’ll admit at the outset that I am very reluctant to criticize any museum that teaches people about the Holocaust and similar events, because I feel that such places are so important. That being said, however, I did feel there was much that ought to be rethought at the Illinois Holocaust Museum.

The museum is in a lovely, spacious new purpose-built building (oddly, however, the entrance is at the back of the building). The main exhibit reviews the history of the Holocaust, from pre-war Germany up through the end of the war and what happened to the refugees. It is powerful, as it should be. The information is mainly given via video screens and posters, so there is a strange lack of objects. Perhaps that is intentional, to remind visitors of what victims did not have. But it can also lead to a lack of tangibility to the situation, even though there were a few artifacts as well. Still, the videos included much suvivor testimony and should be viewed by schoolchildren. In the middle of the exhibit is an original rail car, used during World War 2. To stand in that car, to experience how dark and crowded and frightening it must have been, is to get chills and to be moved to tears.

The Illinois Holocaust Museum also has a art exhibit, featuring artists and works from all over the world. Here the focus is not the Holocaust itself but rather “absence”, and as such it looks at Rwanda, Korean women forced to be prostitutes in Japan, the Gulag, and other tragic events.

In addition, there is a video on holocausts in general, an educational center, and, of course, a gift shop.

As I said, I was at the museum with my grandparents. They were not the only older people there. So what I wondered was why there were no benches. The main exhibit snaked its way through the building and each of the many videos was a few minutes long. So it is natural to expect a few chairs or benches, especially for the older visitors. That doesn’t seem to be very well thought-out to me. It is not a welcoming gesture, unless the intention is to make people uncomfortable and aware of how much they have in comparison to Holocaust victims.

Despite these various complaints, I did appreciate my visit to the Illinois Holocaust Museum. Museums like this are important and we owe it to the next generation to take them here and teach them about this tragedy. Perhaps then situations such as the Holocaust itself or, on a smaller scale, what happened at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum last week won’t happen again.

(Editor’s Note: This new museum is located in Skokie, Ill., a place I first learned about via the story of the U.S. Supreme Court case, National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie.)

"Nazi Refugees’ Son Explores Complex Feelings"

The headline–“Nazi Refugees’ Son Explores Complex Feelings”–caught my attention immediately. Because, you see, my father is the only son of Nazi refugees, and I’ve always suspected he has some rather complex feelings about that fact.

But the story beneath the headline, which appeared in The New York Times this week, was not about my father. Rather, it was about children of Jewish refugees from Central Europe who grew up in Kew Gardens, Queens, in the 1940s and 1950s (my dad grew up in Manhattan and Brooklyn). And it was about “Last Stop Kew Gardens,” a semiautobiographical documentary about this cohort. A film I will certainly be looking for.