Jewish Literary Links

an open book (with Hebrew pages visible); subtitle reads "Jewish Literary Links"
Image by Yedidia Klein from Pixabay

Toward the end of each week, the My Machberet blog presents a collection of links, drawn primarily from the world of Jewish books and writing.

Settle in, everyone. There’s a lot to share here this week.


Current Jewish Writing Opportunities

A couple of these have been cross-posted in the latest issue of The Practicing Writer 2.0, which features only fee-free calls and competitions that also pay for winning/published work. But since the pool of opportunities that explicitly seek Jewish writing isn’t large, I don’t limit the listings here on My Machberet that way.

a blue and white square with text that reads, "Jewish Writing Opportunities."

A couple more preliminaries: As always, read all submission guidelines carefully. Remember that for a variety of reasons, not every opportunity will be appropriate for every writer. And find more Jewish-writing resources here on the site.

On to the listings!
