Tablet Magazine Launches Paid Internship Program

From Tablet Magazine:

Next month, Tablet Magazine is inaugurating a paid internship program. If you have experience in journalism and are familiar with the landscape of American Jewish life, we’d love to hear from you. We’ll be hiring three times a year—spring, summer, and fall—for two- and three-day-a-week internships at our office in New York City. Interns will assist the editorial staff with research and administrative tasks, as well as contributing blog posts and, potentially, full features.

Application deadline is May 3. Click here for more information/application instructions.

Moment Magazine’s Emerging Writer Awards Announced

Founded in 2004, Moment Magazine‘s Emerging Writer Awards “recognize talented writers who have published at least one book and whose books confront themes that are of interest to Jewish readers. An emerging writer is defined as someone of any age who has not yet received widespread recognition and has not yet won a major literary award.” Selections are made by committee (there is no published nomination process).

Congratulations to this year’s awardees: Abby Sher (nonfiction winner), for Amen, Amen, Amen: Memoir of a Girl Who Couldn’t Stop Praying; and Sara Houghteling (fiction winner), for Pictures at an Exhibition.

A Webzine of Their Own

As a Jewish woman, I’m proud to say that I’ve contributed to some publications–and have read many others–that are geared to this particular cohort. Now, Jewish men have a ‘zine of their own. As The Forward explains:

“It used to be that women, to paraphrase Virginia Woolf, needed to have a room of their own, to carve space out of a male-dominated world in which to find and share their own voices. Today, it seems, men need a room, as well. So the Conservative movement’s Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs has started a Web magazine,, to provide those with a Y chromosome a safe place to explore important issues in their lives.”

Good luck, guys! Sounds like a great idea.

P.S. Congrats to The Forward team on the recognitions they’re receiving. Seeks Associate Editor, a new website serving the Greater Boston Jewish community, is looking for an talented blogger, social media addict, and online editor to develop and manage our content strategy. The Associate Editor will help recruit a community of bloggers and ensure an ongoing flow of user and organizational generated content. On a daily basis, the Associate Editor will take the lead on featuring events, curating blog posts, and moderating comments. In addition, the editor will write and edit JewishBoston posts, create the editorial calendar and drive our Facebook and Twitter presence. The editor will be part of a small entrepreneurial team responsible for the ongoing development and growth of the site.”

Jewish Currents Call for Submissions

Received this from Lawrence Bush, editor of Jewish Currents, a “progressive, secular” bimonthly magazine.

“For our Spring, 2010 issue, we are seeking brief, personally revealing essays for our ‘Concealed/Revealed’ column (300 words or less) on the topic, ‘In the Kitchen,’ and informative essays (300-700 words) on some aspect of environmental activism or environmental consciousness for our ‘Notes from a Small Planet’ column. The deadline for both is February 10th. If you have questions about content, please get in touch with me. Thanks!”

Compensation, according to the editor, will be “a one-year subscription and copies of the magazine.”