Editor Sought for JewishBoston.com


Talented writer and editor. In love with words, blogs, and writings. Outgoing and active. Connected to the Jewish community. Deeply embedded in and enthralled by social media.


Launching in March 2010, JewishBoston.com will make it easy for more and more people to participate in Jewish life in Boston. Key features: Events and online registration, organizational and program directory, and community blogging. Interfaces with Facebook, Twitter, and the social web. Useful to everyone in the community, the site is especially targeted to young adults and families with young children.

The job…

On a daily basis, you’ll take the lead on featuring events, blog posts and organizations. You’ll keep the civil community together by moderating the site and encouraging contributions. You’ll write and edit JewishBoston posts. You’ll help recruit a community of bloggers and ensure an ongoing flow of user and organizational generated content. You’ll work with our community manager to teach Jewish organizations throughout Boston how to effectively communicate through the site. On a weekly basis, you’ll run the editorial meeting. Together we’ll review metrics, set goals, track progress, and plan the ongoing improvement of the site. Over time, you’ll help shape the growth and direction of the site.

You will be reporting to the Director of JewishBoston.com and working in downtown Boston.”

For more info and application instructions, click here.

The Forward Seeks Freelancers

From JournalismJobs.com:

“The Forward, a prestigious national Jewish newspaper founded in 1897, is developing a network of freelance reporters available to cover stories in major urban centers, such as Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami and Boston for our English language edition. We are also interested in writers based abroad. We are looking for journalists able to pitch ideas and accept short-notice assignments on issues of interest to our readers who can tell the story in generally 800-1,200 words. These include stories dealing with Judaism, religion and spirituality, labor, civil rights, interethnic and interfaith relations, U.S.-Israel relations and Middle East-related activism, Jewish culture and arts, and personality profiles. A willingness to work with editors to hone stories to a fine point of clarity is a must.”

"36 Under 36" Nominations Sought

via eJewishPhilanthropy:

“Each year, The Jewish Week prints a special section profiling 36 up-and-coming young Jews who are retooling Jewish life through innovation in Jewish arts, philanthropy, media, social justice, the rabbinate and community life in New York, in Israel and beyond. They aim to profile a diverse group of innovators from across denominations.

The only restrictions are that the nominees be under the age of 36 [as of May 2010] and have some connection to New York.

You can email tamar(at)jewishweek(dot)org with your nominations.”

The Future of Jewish News Reporting

Saw a small announcement in The Jewish Week about what looks to be an excellent event here in New York City next Monday evening (November 2): “‘The Future of Jewish News Reporting,’ a panel discussion featuring Ami Eden, editor of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency; Alana Newhouse, editor of Tablet Magazine; and Gary Rosenblatt, editor and publisher of The Jewish Week, will take place on Monday, Nov. 2, at 8 p.m., at Lincoln Square Synagogue, 200 Amsterdam Ave. The moderator is Samuel Freedman, professor of journalism at Columbia University School of Journalism, author and columnist. The event, co-sponsored by Lincoln Square Synagogue and The Jewish Week, is free and open to the public.”

How I’m Keeping My Love for Israel

I have been trying to come up with a coherent response to “How I’m Losing My Love for Israel,” Jay Michaelson’s provocative essay in The Forward, since shortly before the Holy Days. But I just can’t seem to do it.

It’s bad enough when I have to defend Israel to the sort of “progressive” people who populate so many of the writerly and academic circles of which I would, on paper, seem to be a natural citizen. It’s infinitely worse – so much more frustrating and painful – when I find among the Israel-bashers fellow Jews.

And the icing on this most distasteful cake is having someone expressing Michaelson’s views perceived, as certain comments in the essay’s wake might suggest, as a generational representative. Let’s be clear about this much at least: Michaelson – who is two years my junior – and the commenters who commend him for articulating their own experience do not represent this Generation X Jewish-American.

Here’s what perhaps most upsets me in Michaelson’s essay:

“I admit that my exhaustion is exacerbated because, in my social circles, supporting Israel is like supporting segregation, apartheid or worse. I know this is a sign of weakness of will on my part, and I hope that the Times-magazine-sanctioned rise of J Street changes things, but I don’t think advocates of Israel understand exactly how bad the situation is on college campuses, in Europe, and in liberal or leftist social-political circles. Supporting Israel in these contexts is like supporting repression, or the war in Iraq, or George W. Bush. It’s gotten so bad, I don’t mention Israel in certain conversations anymore, and no longer defend it when it’s lumped in with South Africa and China by my friends. This is wrong of me, I know, but I’ve been defending Israel for years, and it’s gotten harder and harder to do so.”

Yes, bubbeleh, this advocate of Israel does understand. It can be hard. Somehow, though, I can’t help thinking that the difficulty scarcely compares to how hard life is in Sderot, or for Uri Grossman’s parents, or for Asaf Ramon’s mother, or, for that matter, for anyone who had to flee (or, worse, was caught in) Nazi Europe. That’s hard.

In the end, what Michaelson seems to be saying is that his “circles” mean more to him than Israel does. Personally, I tend to reach the opposite conclusion. If one’s “friends” are sufficiently misguided (I’m being charitable) to “lump in” Israel with South Africa and China, and to believe that “supporting Israel is like supporting repression…,” and if they are going to ostracize or attack me (it has happened) because I disagree, then maybe they aren’t the best, smartest, most clear-sighted people to keep as friends.

Michaelson says that he knows it’s wrong to sit there silently while those in these “circles” condemn Israel. I feel the same way. And I, too, realize how hard it can be to try to change others’ minds, because, like Michaelson, I’ve tried.

But here’s where he and I seem to differ: Israel means more to me than the “social circles” do, I’ve chosen to leave those organizations and online communities which are ostensibly devoted to another purpose (let’s say, book reviewing, or poetry), but, sooner or later, reveal exactly the kind of sentiments that Michaelson says prevail among his peers. I’ve chosen to stop listening to the BBC and to stop giving financial support to National Public Radio (aka “National Palestinian Radio”). Maybe I should remain and keep arguing. Maybe it would be better not to leave. Maybe this, too, is a “sign of weakness.”

Somehow, though, it leaves me feeling less anguished and conflicted than Michaelson would appear to be.