Monday Markets for Writers

Monday brings the weekly batch of no-fee competitions/contests, paying submission calls, and jobs for those of us who write (especially those of us who write fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction).

  • ICYMI: The February issue of The Practicing Writer went out to subscribers at the end of last week. As always, the issue is replete with information on upcoming no-fee contests and competitions for poets, fictionists, and writers of creative nonfiction, plus a slew of submission calls from paying journals/publishers.
  • “The Elizabeth Kostova Foundation offers its seventh annual summer fiction writing seminar in the ancient town of Sozopol, Bulgaria….Fiction writers from Bulgaria and fiction writers from English-speaking countries, including but not limited to the U.K. and the U.S., are invited to apply. A total number of ten applicants will be selected for participation and funding.” No application fee. Deadline: March 5, 2014.
  • Paid internship: “ is searching for an intern to assist with its Books vertical two days per week in our Brooklyn, NY office (Wednesday availability required). Duties will include a combination of pitching and writing books features, articles, and essays, as well as checking in all new books, upkeep of the database, and research on upcoming titles. It’s a little of the glamorous stuff, a little of the necessary stuff.”
  • “The SUNY Geneseo Department of Residence Life welcomes applications for the position of Area Coordinator of Ontario Hall and Writers House. Area Coordinators are 12-month, live-on professionals who are responsible for the administration of two (2) residence halls.
  • From Tennessee: “Nashville Prep, a grade 5-12 college preparatory charter school, is immediately searching for a committed, intelligent, hard-working 7th Grade Writing Teacher.”
  • Mediabistro is looking for instructors to teach online and in New York. (NB: You must register to access the job listings.)
  • Poets & Writers, Inc., is looking for an online editorial assistant (New York).
  • “The Asian American Writers’ Workshop is looking to hire a Program Director to curate, publicize and manage literary events that are quirky, progressive, and (to use the jargon of postcolonial theory) awesome.” This position is in New York, and may be full-time or part-time.
  • Friday Finds for Writers

    Treasure ChestWriting-related resources, news, and reflections to enjoy over the weekend.

  • One year later: Remember Richard Blanco’s poem for President Obama’s second inauguration? Did you know that Blanco would have preferred reading another poem he wrote for the occasion?
  • I love this essay by A. Papatya Bucak: “An Address to My Fellow Faculty Who Have Asked Me to Speak About My Work.” (It’s part of the new issue of Brevity.)
  • Sandra Beckwith suggests “7 Things You Can Do to Promote Your Book As Soon As You Finish the First Draft.”
  • There’s much in Lisa Romeo’s post “Poetry for Prose Writers” that resonates with me–especially concerning the influence of my MFA experience on expanding my comfort level with contemporary poetry.
  • And for your weekend viewing/listening pleasure: video from the “hangout” featuring Margaret Atwood and Alice Munro (some rough techno-patches, but of course delightful overall). (h/t @JewishFictioNet)
  • Have a wonderful weekend.