Wednesday’s WIP: A Recent Review

textile-orly-castel-bloom-paperback-cover-artBack in January, I discovered that that The Feminist Press would be publishing Textile, an English translation of a novel by one of my favorite Israeli authors, Orly Castel-Bloom. The book was slated for release in the spring; I was thrilled to receive an assignment to review it and dug in eagerly to my review copy.

Publication of the book was delayed, so the deadline for my review was, too. Then it wasn’t until August that my editor asked for some revisions. I complied. When a Google alert let me know that the review was published just last week, I discovered that further cuts and other revisions had been made.

I’m always happy to have a byline in this particular publication (not to mention the paycheck). But I can’t deny that I’m disappointed that this piece ended up so very much shorter than (and otherwise different from) the original review that I worked so hard to craft. So I’m using today’s blog post to share that original version with you. I hope that you enjoy it. (more…)

Wednesday’s WIP: An Evening with Etgar Keret

If you’re a practicing writer, you’ve surely attended your share of author readings; if you’re a publishing writer, you’ve perhaps read work of your own. And if you’re an author–especially an author with the support of a big press–you’ve probably embarked on an reading tour.

Film Etgar Keret sm 150x150Few of us, however, occupy the literary limelight as Israeli author Etgar Keret does. And even fewer do so to such effect. As my writer friend Sara wrote in an email after we attended “A Special Event with Etgar Keret” at Manhattan’s Symphony Space this past weekend: “I knew I like Keret’s work, but to see him on film, in the flesh, and through his stories was really moving. It is a rare and beautiful thing to make an audience laugh and cry in the same beat – and [Keret]’s humanity and heart were palpable – not something I necessarily feel at run of the mill author readings.”

Indeed. (Sara really has a way with words!)

Allow me to take you through the evening as closely as I can. (more…)

Wednesday’s WIP: Market Season!

Way back when–in the 1980s–I was an ambitious teenage writer who really, really wanted to start seeing some of her work published. And by the time I applied to colleges, I was able to declare myself a published writer–thanks, in part, to the Writer’s Market, which helped me identify the journals that first published my poetry. (I’m hoping, though, that many other journals simply did away with my inappropriate submissions rather than pin them up on a bulletin board for lasting mockery. Live and learn, as they say.)

Fast forward to September 2013. (more…)

Wednesday’s WIP: In Defense of “Immigrant Fiction”

jhumpa_lahiri_photo_newDiscovering that Jhumpa Lahiri was this past week’s “By the Book” interviewee in The New York Times Book Review was a delight. But discovering within the Q&A what Lahiri thinks about “immigrant fiction” was, I confess, something of a disappointment.

In case you haven’t yet read the column, Lahiri was asked, “What immigrant fiction has been the most important to you, both personally and as an inspiration for your own writing?” Her answer:

I don’t know what to make of the term “immigrant fiction.” Writers have always tended to write about the worlds they come from. And it just so happens that many writers originate from different parts of the world than the ones they end up living in, either by choice or by necessity or by circumstance, and therefore, write about those experiences. If certain books are to be termed immigrant fiction, what do we call the rest? Native fiction? Puritan fiction? This distinction doesn’t agree with me. Given the history of the United States, all American fiction could be classified as immigrant fiction. Hawthorne writes about immigrants. So does Willa Cather. From the beginnings of literature, poets and writers have based their narratives on crossing borders, on wandering, on exile, on encounters beyond the familiar. The stranger is an archetype in epic poetry, in novels. The tension between alienation and assimilation has always been a basic theme.

Well, yes. And no. Cather’s My Ántonia appealed to me so strongly, on first and subsequent readings, because so much of it is about immigrants. Frankly, the same is true regarding my reception of Lahiri’s work. One of the local literary events I was most disappointed to miss this year was a panel–featuring Christopher Castellani, Ursula Hegi, and Julie Wu–on “the immigrant experience in novels.”

Yes, “many writers” originate from faraway places (or are only a generation or two removed from people who have). But as much as “the tension between alienation and assimilation has always been a basic theme,” it’s not omnipresent. What’s wrong with highlighting stories of immigrant experience? Why does Lahiri object to this perspective?

Reading Lahiri’s “By the Book” response on Sunday, I was reminded of one of my favorite reviews of Quiet Americans. I recall how deeply honored (and overwhelmed) I was when I first saw what the reviewer had written:

Dreifus’s clear, direct style and her subject matter bring to mind the stories of Jhumpa Lahiri. Both writers deal with immigrants to the U.S., the interaction of family generations, and the themes of pregnancy and birth. More than once I was reminded of Ashima in Lahiri’s novel The Namesake and her thoughts on living as a newly-arrived Bengali in America: “For being a foreigner, Ashima is beginning to realize, is a sort of lifelong pregnancy—a perpetual wait, a constant burden, a continuous feeling out of sorts. It is an ongoing responsibility, a parenthesis in what had once been ordinary life, only to discover that that previous life has vanished, replaced by something more complicated and demanding. Like pregnancy, being a foreigner, Ashima believes, is something that elicits the same curiosity from strangers, the same combination of pity and respect.” Dreifus and Lahiri both explore the out-of-sorts feeling, the interruption of ordinary life by the complications and demands of starting over in a new land, whether by choice or under compulsion. In Quiet Americans, Dreifus has made the extraordinary experiences of her characters accessible to readers who may feel they are far-separated from such events. As a good storyteller should, she shows that the feelings and experiences of the human heart are universal, regardless of the outer circumstances shaping each life.

I remain so grateful for that reviewer’s focus on what might connect my stories and Lahiri’s, and I continue to appreciate that for the reviewer, as for me, much of that connection rests in their shared status as examples of “immigrant fiction.” Even if, it seems, Lahiri might not be equally pleased.

Wednesday’s WIP: Chapbook Update

Remember when I told you that I was about to submit a poetry chapbook manuscript to a contest for the very first time? And remember when I told you that the manuscript had reached quarterfinalist status? Well, this week brought news of the semifinalist round; my chapbook has advanced no further.

But I remain so glad to have entered this contest. It’s what prompted me to assemble an actual chapbook manuscript. After I shared the quarterfinals news, one of my poet friends offered to read the manuscript and made some helpful suggestions. And over the past couple of weeks, I’ve revised the manuscript further. I anticipate submitting it to more contests over the next months. Please stay tuned!