Monday Markets/Jobs/Opportunities for Writers

Monday brings the weekly batch of no-fee contests/competitions and paying gigs for those of us who write (especially those of us who write fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction).

  • You’ll have to act pretty fast to take advantage of this U.K.-based residency opportunity: “ArtFunkl is delighted to offer the new Scribus series of Residencies for writers or digital media artists. This is part of a long term plan to expand the scope and number of residencies taking place at ArtFunkl, in order to create a more diverse community of connections, both within the ArtFunkl network, and within the environment of the city of Manchester.” The next deadline is August 20. NB: Although there’s no application fee, there IS a studio/room fee of £109 per week.
  • And you’ll need to hurry (deadline is August 15) if you want to apply for one of’s assistant editor positions. “These are full-time entry level positions offering benefits and based in New York City. Applicants should… specify an interest in politics, the arts, general news and/or pop culture.”
  • For our Canadian friends: “Hagios Press is now welcoming submission of proposals for manuscripts of literary non-fiction. Hagios Press is asking for samples from book-length of literary nonfiction which could include personal essays, and memoirs. Hagios Press is interested literary non-fiction manuscripts covering a broad range of issues and themes.” Deadline is August 31.
  • In case you missed it, the August issue of The Practicing Writer, which went out to subscribers almost two weeks ago, contains the usual generous helpings of no-fee contest info and paying calls for submissions.
  • “Brooklyn College Community Partnership (BCCP) partners with public high schools and middle schools in the Brooklyn community to offer academic support, college access, social justice, health and wellness and arts-based programs to work with Brooklyn youth. The main hub for BCCP is the Brooklyn College Art Lab (BCAL) located on the Brooklyn College campus. We currently offer workshops in video and new media, visual arts, music, dance, theater and performance, writing, culinary arts, and meditation. Our youth development philosophy and practice is student-centered and dialogue and experience-based. BCCP is offering an open call to hire interdisciplinary teaching artists who have the capacity to facilitate workshops in at least two artistic disciplines. It’s an advantage if one is in media (digital video, photo, web and social media design, or graphic design), but not absolutely necessary.”
  • “Street Poets Inc. is looking for poets/teachers with a deep personal understanding of the transformational healing power of the creative process and a passion for mentoring youth (middle and high school age). The Teaching Artist is responsible for facilitating poetry writing workshops in South Los Angeles area schools on a part-time hourly basis – using the Street Poets curriculum and their own poetry. In addition, the Teaching Artist will be responsible for providing a link from the classroom to the larger Street Poets community.”
  • Salisbury University (Md.) is looking for an Assistant Professor in English (creative writing-fiction) and for an Assistant Professor in English (creative writing-poetry).
  • “The MFA in Writing Program at the University of San Francisco invites applications for a tenure-track position in creative nonfiction at the Assistant Professor level to begin Fall 2013.”
  • From Montclair State University (N.J.): “Opening for a one-year creative writing instructor/assistant professor position in poetry and either creative non-fiction or fiction; secondary interest in contemporary literature or other area appropriate to an English department.”
  • Victoria University (New Zealand) seeks a Lecturer in Creative Writing.
  • Friday Finds for Writers

    For the weekend: some writing-related reflections, news, and resources to enjoy.

  • First up: An assortment of authors’ book-promotion tips. I’m most intrigued by C. Hope Clark’s endorsement of the Square Card Reader, pictured to the left. (You may have seen Square elsewhere in the news this week, too.)
  • Next: “Got an MFA? Teach high school,” advises Nick Ripatrazone.
  • The Kenyon Review interviews George Singleton, on being told to “stick to fiction” in a poetry workshop, and other literary matters.
  • Sam Tanenhaus, who edits The New York Times Book Review, describes a typical workday and exemplary criticism.
  • Roxane Gay presents writers of color.
  • And in case you’ve missed the mentions elsewhere: I’m coming to Boston! And if this seminar on writing conferences, contests, and residencies appeals to you, please join us!
  • Have a great weekend. See you back here on Monday.

    Friday Finds for Writers

    Oh, what a busy week it has been. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that many of you have already seen several of the most-talked about (and tweeted) items: l’affaire Jonah Lehrer, Colson Whitehead’s rules for writing, and so on. So please indulge me while I direct your attention elsewhere:

  • Earlier this summer, I was lucky enough to attend “The Uses of History in American Jewish Fiction,” featuring novelists Anna Solomon and Dara Horn and moderated by Josh Lambert. And now, all of you are lucky enough to be able to watch the event on video. (cross-posted on My Machberet)
  • Similarly, you can now see why I so enjoyed these readings by and conversation between Joyce Carol Oates and Richard Ford.
  • New to the blogroll this week: the edifying How a Poem Happens blog. (Thanks to Evelyn Somers for leading me to it.)
  • Adam Stumacher says: “Don’t Wait for Permission: Notes on a D.I.Y. Writing Fellowship.” As you’ll see, he and his writer wife had a pretty cool year. (I’m not quite convinced that this can work for everyone, but the example might help some others make a similar leap.)
  • Finally, a bit of advice for freelancers from the Dollars & Deadlines blog on “six types of markets and how to approach them.”
  • Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. See you back here on Monday!

    Monday Markets/Jobs/Opportunities for Writers

    If it’s Monday, it’s time for me to share some opportunities with you. No application fees. Paying gigs.

  • Canadian journal Ryga (“a journal of provocations”) “welcomes submissions of previously unpublished poetry, prose and short plays that coincide with our editorial mission.” Pays: $100 (presumably in Canadian dollars). (via
  • The Eugene Paul Nassar Poetry Prize recognizes the “best poetry collection published by an Upstate [N.Y.] author” between January 1, 2011 and July 1, 2012. Confers a prize of $2,000. No entry fee. Deadline: August 31, 2012.
  • For writers in the Greater Hartford (Conn.) region: “The Wisdom House Writers Fellowship Program was created in June 2010 to support low-income writers residing in the 29-town Greater Hartford region* in developing their work. Consideration will be given to writers who cannot afford to attend the retreat facility on their own. The program was made possible through a grant from the Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. The fellowships provide local writers with an opportunity to focus on and develop their writing by providing a quiet environment at the Wisdom House Retreat and Conference Center in Litchfield, CT. The program covers accommodations and meals….Deadlines for receipt of applications will be the 1st of every other month (September 1, November 1, etc.).” No application fee. (via @femministas)
  • “The George Mason University, Department of English [Va.] invites applicants for a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Poetry position to begin fall 2013. Substantial publications (at least one poetry book published and substantial work toward a second) are required, along with a proven teaching record. The successful candidate will teach graduate and undergraduate courses and workshops (2-2 load) in a well-established MFA and new BFA program (pending approval), and also direct theses in the MFA. Academic and university service is required.”
  • The Peace Corps (Washington) is looking for a Writer/Editor, 826 Seattle seeks a Programs Coordinator, and 826 Boston is advertising for an In-School Project Coordinator.
  • Don’t forget that the July issue of The Practicing Writer is now available, and you can find plenty of additional contests & calls listed there.
  • Monday Markets/Jobs/Opportunities for Writers

  • Oh, is this one, from the Centre d’Art – Marnay Art Centre (CAMAC), tempting! “CAMAC and Fondation Ténot offer each year a residency bursary to one visual artist, one writer and one musician or composer in order to create new career prospects for artists.” The bursary includes a 2-month residency at CAMAC (France). The creative-writing bursary is open to “established poets, novel writers and playwrights.” There is no application fee. Deadline: July 14, 2012.
  • Going on the job market? You could receive free CV and résumé critique from the experts at The Chronicle of Higher Education: “This summer, the CV Doctor would like to help two candidates with their CV and résumé. Many of you may have been on the academic job market before, and, in uncertain times, you may be widening the range of job possibilities you’re considering. So, we would like to help you understand the differences between these two documents, and how to make them effective for different audiences.” They’d like to feature “an M.F.A. looking for a faculty position and for an arts administrative position.” You have until July 9 to submit your documents. Go!
  • California writers! Poets & Writers, Inc.,  is currently accepting submissions for the California Writers Exchange Awards program, which “introduces emerging writers from California to the New York literary community and provides them a network for professional advancement. Every third year, writers in California are invited to submit manuscripts. Judges review the entries and select a winning poet and fiction writer. Winners are flown to New York City for an all-expenses-paid, weeklong trip to meet with literary agents, editors, publishers, and writers, and to give a public reading.” They also receive honoraria ($500). Deadline is August 31, 2012, and there’s no application fee.
  • Coming later this week: the July Practicing Writer newsletter. As always, it will be packed with no-fee contest info and submission calls from paying venues. Subscribe now, if you’re not already among us. It’s free, and your email address is not shared.
  • Cultural Tourism DC (Washington) is looking for a Communications Associate-New Media, Literature for All of Us (Chicago area) seeks a Book Group Leader, and Rhode Island School of Design is advertising for a News Editor/Writer.