Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

IMG_1686A Lovely Lunch Chez Lilith

One of this past week’s highlights was my lunch last Thursday at the Lilith magazine offices. At the invitation of Editor-in-Chief Susan Weidman Schneider, I stopped by the book-filled space and, over some delicious food (including super-yummy mini-hamantaschen pastries for the Purim holiday), chatted with Susan and Managing Editor Naomi Danis.

Part of our discussion focused on Fig Tree Books (I’d brought along a galley of Jessamyn Hope’s Safekeeping), and some exciting possibilities for collaboration between Fig Tree and Lilith. Susan and Naomi also expressed a great deal of interest in my own writing, which I appreciated. Lilith occupies a fond place in my heart, since it was one of the first venues to publish a short story of mine—and the most recent to publish, on its blog, one of my poems.

Plus, I left lunch with a gift! Check out my nifty new tote bag! (more…)