Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick things.

  1. By now, I’ve attempted to send out the August issue of The Practicing Writer. (If you’re a subscriber, please check your email!) In addition to the reliably rich array of fee-free and paying opportunity listings, you’ll find a Q&A with my friend R.L. Maizes, author of the debut story collection We Love Anderson Cooper (just out from Celadon Books). This issue will also remain online until September’s edition replaces it.
  2. Speaking of R.L. Maizes and her new book: One of the highlights of the past few days was the opportunity to be in the audience while R.L. read from the title story in the collection here in New York, as she took part in the delightful Scribblers on the Roof series at Ansche Chesed. Bonus #1: The double bill featured Julie Zuckerman, reading from her debut collection The Book of Jeremiah (Press 53). Although I’ve been lucky enough to meet R.L. “in person” before, this was the first time (beyond Facebook and email) that I was able to chat with Julie. Bonus #2: A group of us met up for dinner beforehand and attended the reading together.
  3. At that pre-reading dinner, I confessed to the assembled group that I’m evidently a more diligent publicist for others than I’m proving to be for my own next book (my debut poetry collection, Birthright, which is slated for publication by Kelsay Books on November 5). HOWEVER, in my defense, I’ve been spending a lot of my recent time on production-related matters. I’m now getting a lot closer to the promotional tasks. If you want to see some proof, here’s the result of a chunk of time I’ve recently spent on Canva. What do you think? Worth the effort?
Image featuring the front cover of BIRTHRIGHT and a snippet of advance praise (from Sivan Butler-Rotholz) that reads, "With its honest, accessible language and straightforward storytelling, Erika Dreifus's first full-length collection is a welcome addition to the modern American poetry canon—narrative, Jewish, feminist, or otherwise."

4 thoughts on “Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

  1. Lanette Sweeney says:

    Will it help you if we pre-order? Where should we go? The least we can do in gratitude for all you do for us writers is but your book! Also your new PR shot is fabulous.

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Lanette, that is such an incredibly kind offer. For whatever reason, my publisher does not engage in pre-orders. For now, perhaps the best thing to do is to put a note on your calendar to check in again on November 5! Thank you so much.

  2. John Smistad says:

    Yeah, so absolutely worth your effort here, Erika. All the best with “Birthright “our friend!

    1. Erika Dreifus says:

      Thank you!

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