Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick things.

1. Another chance to win a copy of Birthright: The wonderful David Abrams is offering a bonanza of a holiday giveaway. The winner will receive a slew of books—including my new poetry collection.

stack of books offered in the giveaway that's linked within the post

Enter by December 19.

2. Lovely time last evening at Lilith magazine’s latest launch party. It was held at the Center for Jewish History and we were able to sneak a preview peek into the fabulous new Emma Lazarus exhibit there.

3. Last class. I can’t believe that I am preparing my final set of lecture notes for the semester. The last class takes place tomorrow. (And then I get a bit of a breather before the final papers arrive and I disappear into a cloud of grading.)

One thought on “Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

  1. Erika,
    Are you teaching again in the spring?
    Thanks for mentioning the Emma Lazarus Exhibit. I will have to check that out!

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