Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

  1. A couple more rejections, a couple more submissions, a new draft I like…it’s been an active week. (And I have more submissions on the agenda based on the opportunities listed in the September newsletter, which went out to subscribers early yesterday.)
  2. If getting the newsletter out on time was one of yesterday’s highlights, attending a webinar featuring Israeli author David Grossman in conversation with Sandee Brawarsky was another. For more info, check my Twitter thread, which includes a link to something I’ve written about Grossman’s work in the past.
  3. And today, September 1, is a day for looking back at something else I’ve written, especially this year—75 years after what’s recounted within. (You can find this poem in Birthright, too.)
Text of my poem "September 1, 1946," as published in BIRTHRIGHT: POEMS.
Index card with text label that indicates "Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer."

6 thoughts on “Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

  1. connie springer says:

    poignant poem

  2. Cezarija Abartis says:

    Quite moving. Thank you.

  3. Mindy Portnoy says:

    I think of all the refugees still on their way…..

    1. Yes, and how the world can accommodate them all, humanely. This was also the day in 1941 that Jews were mandated to wear stars on their clothing.

  4. Barbara Baer says:

    such a thoughtful and lucid poem, thank you for sharing it again, the bitterest with the sweetest. Barbara

  5. Erika Dreifus says:

    I so appreciate all of these comments, everyone. Thank you!

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