Jewish Literary Links

an open book (with Hebrew pages visible); subtitle reads "Jewish Literary Links"
Image by Yedidia Klein from Pixabay

Toward the end of each week, the My Machberet blog presents a collection of links, drawn primarily from the world of Jewish books and writing.

  • This week has brought us the latest Jewish Book Carnival, hosted for May right here on My Machberet.
  • Also new this week: a mid-month #LitJAHM24 update, with a list of the titles featured thus far in my literary observance of Jewish American Heritage Month.
  • From Aviya Kushner: a post on “reading the great poet Zelda in mourning and celebration.”
  • From Julie Zuckerman: a dispatch from Israel, dated yesterday (aka “Day 222”), along with “some literary-related things,” including some upcoming events.
  • And from I Read This Over Shabbos: a reading list that piqued my interest (and approval) even before I reached the end!

This week, again, I have continued to update the “After October 7: Readings, Recordings, and More” document-in-progress. Check also cautionary information (also, alas, updated this week) as compiled under the title “Writers, Beware.”

Shabbat shalom.

an open book (with Hebrew pages visible); subtitle reads "Jewish Literary Links"