Jewish Literary Links

an open book (with Hebrew pages visible); subtitle reads "Jewish Literary Links"
Image by Yedidia Klein from Pixabay

Toward the end of each week, the My Machberet blog presents a collection of links, drawn primarily from the world of Jewish books and writing.

  • If it’s May, it’s Jewish American Heritage Month (Jewish Heritage Month in Canada). I detailed my plans for this year’s literary observance in the latest issue of my newsletter, which went out earlier this week, and launched that observance yesterday on Twitter.
  • Another literary celebration along these lines: this incredible Jewish kidlit giveaway (which you can enter throughout the month; USA addresses only).
  • An absolutely worth-your-time longread from Salmagundi: Susie Linfield in conversation with Robert Boyers for a piece titled “From the River to the Sea: Getting it Right, Getting it Wrong.”
  • Happening this Sunday (at the Yiddish Book Center and livestreamed), just a few hours before Yom HaShoah begins: The annual Melinda Rosenblatt Lecture will be delivered by Samuel Kassow in conjunction with the publication of his translation of Rokhl Auerbach’s Warsaw Testament (White Goat Press).
  • And to return to my newsletter before we close: Within that same new issue, you’ll find a couple of explicitly “Jewish” writing opportunities, including Tablet magazine’s essay contest (deadline: May 15) and the UK-based Genesis Jewish Book Week Emerging Writers’ Programme (deadline: May 31).

Please note that this week I have continue to update the “After October 7: Readings, Recordings, and More” document-in-progress. Check also cautionary information (also in-progress), compiled under the title “Writers, Beware.”

Shabbat shalom.

Jewish American Heritage Month logo

2 thoughts on “Jewish Literary Links

  1. Laurie Rosen says:

    I’ll admit I was both surprised and relieved that Skidmore’s Salmagundi printed Susie Linfield’s conversation. Both my children attended Skidmore and I have been wondering what choices they would make in their literary journal and on campus. It was an exceptional article.

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