Thursday’s Work-in-Progress: Four Fun Facts About My Year in Jewish Books

Earlier this week, I wrote about “My Year in Jewish Books” on my “other” blog (which is called “My Machberet” and features news and notes on matters of specifically Jewish literary and cultural interest). But as a practicing writer who knows how significant reading is to the vigor of her writing practice–not to mention as a practicing writer who frequently writes reviews of Jewish-themed books as part of that practice–I’m going to devote this “Work-in-Progress” post on Practicing Writing to some observations based on my analysis of that list of 18 titles.

1) I’m doing OK–could be better, but could also be much worse–when it comes to reading books in translation. We all know about that unpleasant “three percent” figure, right? Well, four of the 18 titles on my list–that makes about 22 percent–were books in translation. I don’t think that the relatively healthy connection between Jewish literature and literature in translation is incidental. I do think that when you belong to a diaspora culture, and you’re drawn to certain books accordingly, you’re going to be reading books that were written originally in different languages.

2) I purchased way more books than I thought I had. I live in a New York City apartment, and I receive a lot of free books as review copies. I’m also a regular visitor to the public library. I had begun to believe that I was not, in fact, as conscientious a book-buyer as I should be. I am frankly a bit surprised by the fact that I purchased so many of the titles on this list (basically half of them). Maybe the fact that several were Kindle purchases–and therefore not visible in my office or on my nightstand–has something to do with my surprise here. Keep in mind, again, that these are by no means all the books I bought this year. They’re only all the books on Jewish themes that I bought for myself. That leaves out all the books that I purchased as gifts, and all the books that I didn’t necessary consider to be “Jewish.”

3) Unsurprisingly, I am still reading quite a lot about the Holocaust. More than half of the books on this list deal with the Holocaust and/or its after-effects in some way. I should have more to say about this–especially given that I’m still thinking about Daphne Merkin’s recent reflections on Holocaust-related films. But for the moment, I’ll just let the fact sit there.

4) Without additional analysis, I can’t really know the extent to which all of my “Jewish” reading reflects my habits more generally. But here is how the genre distribution works out here: Novels on this list: 10 (56 percent); Memoirs/memoiristic essays: 2 (11 percent). Other nonfiction: 2 (11 percent). Poetry collections: 2 (11 percent). Graphic novels/books for young readers: 1 (5.5 percent). Short-story collections on this list: 1 (5.5 percent–appalling, but I suspect that here, at least, the stats would be better for the “non-Jewish” reading list. I read at least six other collections this year.)

Have I inspired any of you to review your own reading for the year? If you’re inclined to write up any similar post(s) for yourself, please be sure to share the link(s) in comments. I’d love to come by and read what you have to say.

The Wednesday Web Browser for Writers

  • Literary translator Peter Constantine describes his current work: translating early Chekhov stories.
  • Five “quick and dirty” submission tips from a lit-mag editor.
  • Lots of writers I know love The Sun, so I suspect that many of you will appreciate this interview with the magazine’s managing editor, Tim McKee. (via Leslie Pietrzyk)
  • Counsel on clips from freelancing expert Linda Formichelli.
  • I’ll be investigating this “Ultimate List of Twitter Tools.” (via @davidbcrowley)
  • And I’m bookmarking these “simple writing exercises” from Brian Klems.
  • Earlier this week I blogged about “My Year in Jewish Books” on my other blog (My Machberet, which focuses on matters of Jewish literary and cultural interest). Stay tuned for a “meta-post” in which I reflect on that post’s revelations.
  • Quotation of the Week: Andrew Silow-Carroll

    “But I did learn something I should have figured out about novel-writing back when I was an English major: It’s hard.”
    –Andrew Silow-Carroll

    Source: New Jersey Jewish News, of which Andrew Silow-Carroll is editor-in-chief. NJJN is my “other” local Jewish newspaper, the Jewish newspaper of the community where I spent half my childhood. I enjoy most of Mr. Silow-Carroll’s columns, but I LOVED this one, at the conclusion of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).

    Monday Markets/Jobs/Opportunities for Writers

  • “The POETRY FOUNDATION, publisher of Poetry magazine, is pleased to announce the 2012 EMILY DICKINSON FIRST BOOK AWARD, designed to recognize an American poet at least 40 years of age who has yet to publish a first collection of poetry. The Poetry Foundation seeks one book-length poetry manuscript to be published by Graywolf Press as the winner of the Emily Dickinson First Book Award. The competition is open to any American citizen forty years of age or over who has not previously published a book-length volume of poetry. In addition to publication and promotion of the manuscript, the winner will receive a prize of $10,000.” Submissions must be postmarked between January 16 and February 17, 2012. No entry fee indicated.
  • From the Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP): “AWP is now accepting student volunteers for our Chicago conference. All conference volunteers receive a complimentary registration in exchange for volunteering for one four-hour shift. This offer is available only to students. AWP has openings for volunteers from Wednesday, February 29 through Saturday, March 3, 2012. Student volunteer sign-up is open while shifts are still available. Shifts fill quickly, so sign up now at Volunteers, we look forward to working with you in Chicago.”
  • Have you seen the December Practicing Writer newsletter? Click here for all the no-fee competitions and paying calls for submission within.
  • Great news for those of you in the Boston area: “Grub Street is pleased to offer $200.00 scholarships to twenty selected writers each year. Recipients may use their scholarship at any time in the year and toward any class they desire, though not for Muse and the Marketplace tuition or manuscript consulting. There are 4 application deadlines throughout the year– one in each term. We’ll give out 5 scholarships after each deadline.” The next deadline is coming up on December 19 (noon). There is no application fee.
  • And a great opportunity for those of you in the metro Detroit area, too: “Kresge Arts in Detroit provides significant financial support for Kresge Artist Fellowships annually, each consisting of a $25,000 award and customized professional practice opportunities for emerging and established metropolitan Detroit artists in the literary, performing and visual arts….In 2012, 12 fellowships will be awarded in the literary arts and 12 fellowships will be awarded in the performing arts.” The program considers “literary arts” as follows: “arts criticism in all categories (including literary, performing and visual), creative non-fiction, fiction, playwriting, poetry and interdisciplinary work within the above arts disciplines.” There is no application fee indicated. Deadline: February 1, 2012.
  • Gettysburg College has issued its annual call for an Emerging Writer Lecturer: “One-year appointment, beginning August 2012, for a creative writer who plans a career that involves college-level teaching, to teach three courses per semester, including Introduction to Creative Writing and an advanced course in the writer’s genre, as well as to assist with departmental writing activities. Mentorship for teaching and assistance in professional development provided. M.F.A. or Ph.D. with creative dissertation, required. Teaching experience and literary magazine publications are essential. Competitive salary.”
  • “McNeese State University’s [La.] Department of English and the Foreign Languages and the M.F.A Program in Creative Writing seek an Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing, Fiction.”
  • Southwest Art magazine (Colo.) is looking for an Assistant Editor, the Nature Conservancy (Va.) seeks a Senior Science Writer, and Columbia Journalism Review (New York) invites applications for a Communications Manager.