Journalism/Jewish Literature Taglit-Birthright Israel Trip

It’s not often that I wish I were younger–life is just fine right now, thank you–but when I received an announcement from the Jewish Book Council about one particular opportunity, I wished I could be 18-26 again.

The Council is now working with Hillel to provide a Taglit-Birthright Israel trip focused on journalism and Jewish literature. This free trip is open to Jews who are 18-26 years old and have never been on a peer-group trip to Israel. Registration opens next week, and will be open until March 4.

If this trip appeals to you (or might appeal to someone you know who fits the eligibility criteria), click here for more information.

Notes from Around the Web: Fourth Gaza Edition

Inside Higher Ed takes a look at “The Gaza War…on North American Campuses,” and points out that the rallies, petition drives, (and on the anti-Israel side, boycott efforts) “raise sensitive issues about whether academics are too quick or too slow to question Israel, what methods are appropriate for expressing opposition to another government’s actions, and why Israel’s actions are more likely to generate protests than outrages committed by other countries.” Like one of the commenters, I’m not happy about the suggestion in that last bit that Israel’s actions are, in fact, “outrages,” but otherwise, I think this is a pretty good piece.
Another resource for simply keeping aware and informed: the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA). Sign up for the daily newsletter. Among today’s articles is one that tells us the following: “Israel stopped fighting for three hours Monday, as it has daily for the past week, to allow Palestinian civilians to restock or change locations, and to allow aid agencies to distribute its goods during the 17th day of Operation Cast Lead. But Hamas continued to fire rockets at Israel during the lull, scoring direct hits on homes in Ashkelon and Sderot. No one was injured, although several people went into shock and the homes were badly damaged.” Where are the “humanitarian” protesters now? Probably still busy complaining about/rallying against Israel.
On, JanetheWriter has almost persuaded me to activate a Facebook account.

Notes from Around the Web: Third Gaza Edition

Late last week, Nextbook collected and compiled a number of links representing an array of takes on what has been happening in Gaza. Check them out here.
Have you heard about Jon Stewart’s deplorable indictment of Israel? Jon, please, don’t do this to me. Must I abandon The Daily Show, too? Please consider the well-expressed response of Andrew Silow-Carroll. Or are you too busy, Jon (born Jonathan Stewart Leibowitz), savoring the praise you’ve received (says the San Francisco Chronicle) from the Muslim Public Affairs Council?
Thank you, David Harris, for expressing, among other essential truths the world should remember when hearing some of the most twisted accusations currently being made against Israel–accusations and descriptions invoking Holocaust “vocabulary”–those embedded here:

What about all the clergy, cartoonists, protesters, and politicians so concerned about the human rights of those in Gaza? Have they ever uttered a peep while those 10,000 rockets, missiles, and mortars were raining down on southern Israel? Did they ever take to the streets to support the human rights of Israelis? Did they ever read the Hamas Charter and hear the echoes of Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, two European books that helped to condemn Jews to their death?

Did they ever put two and two together and ask what would happen if Hamas married its annihilationist goals with ever more advanced weaponry? And did it occur to them that, yes, nearly six million Israeli Jews would be in the crosshairs?

For the full Harris post, click here.

Notes from Around the Web: Another Gaza Edition

As if this past week hasn’t been challenging enough for me personally (again, for reasons I may go into another time), the situation with the Listserv which I alluded to earlier really escalated yesterday. (Odd how people who claim to be motivated by “humanitarian” impulses rarely, if ever, post about Darfur, China, etc., but when it comes to Israel, watch out! This implicit unfairness is yet another infuriating part of this whole, historic story, as I suggested in writing about a book by Walter Laqueur some time back. “Disproportionate” behavior, anyone?) So I’m REALLY trying not to spend very much time with that Listserv, and will instead devote the energies I would most likely otherwise expend in fruitless “dialogue” simply posting links that I feel are important here.

In what is likely to be my last message to that Listserv for awhile (or at least, the last Gaza-related message), I invited readers to come on over to this blog to see a different set of news/columns on the situation than they’re likely to find posted on the list. It looks as though a few readers have indeed taken me up on that invitation. If you’re one of them, welcome.

And now, on with our unfortunate, depressing show:

In our last installment, I told you how important Jeffrey Goldberg’s blog is to me right now. Similarly, I’d have to post too many links if I wanted to share each and every significant post from Solomonia, a blog I discovered and praised last year.
An answer to those who claim that Hamas’s rockets don’t really mean much and certainly don’t warrant a substantive military response: “The rockets threatening Israel today are no longer just the homemade Qassam rockets that have fallen for years on Negev communities near the Gaza border, causing property damage but few casualties. Last spring, before Israel and Hamas agreed to a six-month truce, local Gaza metal shops were producing an upgraded Qassam that reached as far as Ashkelon, 10 miles north of Gaza, nearly double their previous range. In the latest conflict, terrorists began firing a new generation of advanced rockets, imported through smuggling tunnels, with far greater power and accuracy than the Gaza-made variety. The new rockets, brought into Gaza during the truce — when Hamas supposedly was pledged to halt arms smuggling — have been regularly striking Ashdod, Israel’s main port and a major chemical storage site, fully 20 miles from Gaza, or halfway to Tel Aviv. And on January 6, as the cease-fire negotiations shifted into high gear, a rocket struck for the first time in Gedera, 25 miles north of Gaza, on the southern outskirts of metropolitan Tel Aviv. That’s no longer terrorist harassment. It’s a strategic threat.” This, and more, in an excellent column in The Forward. (via JustASC)
For me (realizing, of course, that my problems don’t matter much in the “real” scheme of things when it comes to this situation), one of the most difficult parts of dealing with the current news is calibrating my internal (and, as on the Listserv, external) reactions to fellow Jews who seem far, far more concerned with the (in my view) Hamas-inflicted destruction on the Palestinian people than with the safety of Israelis. Israelis like my (and even, in some cases, their) own relatives. It is just so hard for me to understand.

But from Jerusalem, Louis Frankenthaler managed to get through to me without making me want to tear my hair out. Probably because he told me up front: “So yes, believe me it is difficult being in the opposition here in Israel (I will not cite a list of difficulties, because they pale in comparison to the monumental suffering in Gaza and in the protracted suffering in southern Israel where, in both places, civilians are being targeted, killed and exploited.)” (emphasis mine)

I don’t agree with all of Frankenthaler’s arguments, by any means (for instance, I refuse to believe that Israel is “targeting” civilians in Gaza, unless you consider Hamas as part of the civilian population), but this writer at least made it possible for me to hear (read) him through, quietly and completely. (Of course, now I really want to know which Reform congregation in New Jersey is his temple-of-origin!)

Notes from Around the Web: Gaza Edition

If you aren’t already following Jeffrey Goldberg on current events in Israel and Gaza, just go over and start. Really. Just do it. He earned my admiration with his book, and he’s sustaining it now. So just go read him. Did I say you should go read him?
Tired of the cries of how “disproportionately” Israel is responding? So am I. And so is Jonathan Mark.
We’d certainly be horrified if Hamas’s (or Hezbollah’s, or–substitute a relevant Islamist group of your choice’s) actions provoked attacks on Arabs/Muslims elsewhere. So why isn’t there more outrage about the violence against and victimization of Jews worldwide who have become targets of aggressors’ anger toward Israel? Like the Jewish girl who “was beaten in a northern Paris suburb by schoolmates who claimed revenge for Israel’s offensive in Gaza”? Or these incidents? I could post more, surely, but maybe that’s enough to get the point across.
Think there’s a corresponding prayer like this for the children of Israel appearing in the Palestinian/Arab press? Somehow, I doubt it. This is certainly one case where I’d love to be proven wrong.