Call for Applications: Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative

From Moment magazine:

Moment launched the Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative in 2010 in honor of the 38-year-old Wall Street Journal reporter slain by terrorists in 2002 to encourage young journalists to write in-depth stories about a modern manifestation of anti-Semitism or another deeply ingrained prejudice. With the help of our prestigious panel of journalists, Moment select and mentors the writer, providing her or him with journalistic as well as financial support. The fellowship offers $5,000 to cover the costs of the project—$2,500 up front, and $2,500 upon completion of the story. The edited stories will be published in Moment, perhaps in conjunction with another media outlet. Applicants must be between the ages of 22 and 38; international applicants are welcome to apply.

There is no fee to apply. Deadline: May 10, 2014. “Fellows will be mentored by a group of prestigious journalists, including: Wolf Blitzer, Linda Feldmann, Martin Fletcher, Glenn Frankel, Bill Kovach, David Lauter, Charles Lewis, Clarence Page, Robert Siegel, Paul Steiger, Lynn Sweet and David Wessel. The DPIJI project director is Mary Hadar.”

Call for Applications: Moment Magazine Editorial Fellowship

momentFrom Moment magazine–information about the Rabbi Harold S. White Fellowship

Each year, Moment identifies and supports a talented young journalist who already has significant journalism experience. The fellow is an integral part of the small hardworking Moment team and has the opportunity to learn how magazine journalism gets made: from editing the website to writing feature stories to promoting stories through social media and other outlets.

Fellows have gone on to be hired by The Atlantic, The Jerusalem Post and other publications. Moment is currently looking for a spring fellow who can start in March or April. Minimum one-year commitment is required. Fellows work full-time in our Washington, DC office.

Visit the Moment website for more information.

Call for Applications: Lilith Magazine Fellowship

LILWi13_CoverFInal1-130x174From Lilith magazine:

Are you interested in feminism and Jewish arts and culture? Want to experience first-hand how Lilith magazine is created, in print and online? Hone your thinking, advocacy and editorial skills? Lilith magazine, a not-for-profit publication, welcomes applicants for a new staff position: the Malka Foundation Editorial Fellow will participate in all facets of creating the quarterly print issues of Lilith magazine (independent, Jewish & frankly feminist), and will work with Lilith online ( as well. The Malka Fellowship will provide the right candidate with a unique opportunity to be part of the lively nuts-and-bolts world of magazine publishing. The year-long Fellowship will begin in Spring 2014.

NB: “The Lilith fellowship will provide a salary, plus focused mentorship and learning.”

Application deadline is February 14, 2014. No application fee indicated.

The Tower Tomorrow Fellowship

Formerly called the Summer Media Fellowship in Journalism, Strategic Communications and Israel Advocacy, The Tower Tomorrow Fellowship offers a select group of university students (undergraduate and graduate) a challenging summer aimed at educating future journalists, writers and advocacy professionals in research, analysis, writing for publication, strategic communications and media management.

Working with world-class writers and media professionals, Fellows will learn about coverage of Israel and the region, meet with journalists, scholars, and diplomats, and undertake an intensive eight-week course.

I wish that I could apply for this program myself!

The program will take place in Washington and fellowships confer stipends of $2,500. The application deadline is March 21, 2014.

Jewish Literary Links for Shabbat

Photo Credit: Reut Miryam Cohen

Every Friday morning My Machberet presents an assortment of Jewish-interest links, primarily of the literary variety.

  • The latest New Yorker fiction podcast features Amos Oz’s story “The King of Norway,” which became the opening story in Oz’s Between Friends. Jonathan Safran Foer reads the story and discusses it with New Yorker fiction editor Deborah Treisman.
  • Great news from Lee Mandel about his latest project, a biography of the first Jewish chaplain ever assigned to the United States Marine Corps, Rabbi Roland Gittelsohn: “Tentatively titled ‘Unlikely Warrior’ and subtitled ‘A Pacifist Rabbi’s Journey from the Pulpit to the Sands of Iwo Jima,’ the book has been accepted for publication by Pelican Publishers and I signed the contracts last week. It will likely be out by this coming fall.” Mazal tov!
  • More good news: This week brought us a new issue of JewishFiction.Net, including works “originally written in Polish, French, Hebrew, and English, and set in China, Germany, Scotland, Poland, ancient Israel, modern Israel, the United States, and on an emigrants’ boat bound for the United States.”
  • Looking forward to reading Gary Shteyngart’s memoir Little Failure–especially after reading Harvey Freedenberg’s review.
  • Tablet is hiring two paid, part-time spring editorial interns. If you have experience in journalism and are familiar with the landscape of American Jewish life, we’d love to hear from you.” Apply by December 12 for these New York-based positions.
  • Shabbat shalom.