Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer


My blogging time with Poetry Has Value may have reached its end, but that doesn’t mean I can’t continue to share my poetry submission stats with you. So here’s the report for the month of May.

Also, if you’re new to these posts, it may be helpful for you to know that I work very hard to submit my work mainly to paying venues that don’t charge fees for journal/website publication. If you’re similarly looking for paying calls and contests that don’t charge submission fees, you’re always welcome to check my monthly newsletter (and with my weekly “Monday Markets” posts on this blog). And if you’d like to know more about how, generally speaking, I choose where to send my work, this Literary Hub essay remains a good standby.

On with the May report: (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Some big news to share today: After nearly three years helping to launch Fig Tree Books LLC (FTB), I will be leaving the Company. My final day with FTB will be Thursday, June 8.

I’ve enjoyed my time as FTB’s Media Editor immensely, and I owe much of that to all of you. So many among you have supported our work at FTB from the start: helping me publicize the Company and its happenings, reviewing its titles, interviewing its authors, and, above all, reading the books! For all of that, I thank you.

I’ll have more to share about what’s coming my way in due course. For now, I’m simply grateful for the past few years and eager to pursue the path ahead. I look forward to sharing the next phase with all of you!

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer


My blogging time with Poetry Has Value may have reached its end, but that doesn’t mean I can’t continue to share my poetry submission stats with you. So here’s the report for the month of April.

First, a prelude: I’m sorry to say that despite my most noble intentions, National Poetry Month was a generative bust for me. (I think I drafted just two new poems.)

Also, if you’re new to these posts, it may be helpful for you to know that I work very hard to submit my work mainly to paying venues that don’t charge fees for journal/website publication. If you’re similarly looking for paying calls and contests that don’t charge submission fees, you’re always welcome to check my monthly newsletter (and with my weekly “Monday Markets” posts on this blog). And if you’d like to know more about how, generally speaking, I choose where to send my work, this Literary Hub essay remains a good standby.

On with the April report: (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Nice Surprise #1

I was elated when, last November, Cathryn Hankla accepted my poem “Fighting Words” for The Hollins Critic.

But I had no idea when, exactly, the poem would be published. So it was a nice surprise to arrive home the other day and discover a thick envelope containing a set of contributor copies. (And, yes, a check!)
