Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Quiet Americans Is Required Reading!

There’s something so special about knowing that my work moves educators enough to share it with their students. So an email that I received on Monday—conveyed via my publisher and requesting a desk copy of Quiet Americans—was a wonderful surprise.

This time, students in a class on “Literature of American Minorities” offered within a Michigan university are the ones who are being asked to read the stories. It means so very much to me to know that the book is being included on the syllabus. (And yes, I’ve asked to see the full syllabus so I can see the other books included there. I’m always learning, too!) (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three Poems in a New Anthology

I haven’t yet received my copy of the book*, but I have three poems in this exciting new anthology, Theories of HER, which was published yesterday. Edited by Candace Habte, the book is described as a “timely collection of poetry, essay, literature and art, to pull back the curtain on what it truly means to be a woman- beyond stereotypes and labels.” (And when I last checked, you could find one of my poems, “Vocabulary Lesson, 1977,” included in the free sample that’s offered, so that’s also pretty exciting. For me, at least!)

I should add that Candace has been an absolute pleasure to work with. (It doesn’t hurt that she heaped praise on the “Vocabulary Lesson” poem right from the start!)

*Update on Wednesday morning: just received my free e-book! And the book is free for the next couple of days via Amazon Kindle, too. (more…)