Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

A New Month, A New Newsletter, and New Hopes for My Poetry Practice

imagesIn case you haven’t yet seen it, the April issue of The Practicing Writer is now available.

Along with the usual hefty serving of no-fee contest listings and calls from paying publishers/litmags, you’ll find within the issue a brief item in which I describe my hopes for giving my poetry practice a kick-start this month and a few links to resources I’m counting on to help in that endeavor: the 2015 Poetic Asides PAD (Poem-A-Day) Challenge; the Poetry Super Highway Prompt-A-Day for National Poetry Month; and NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month). (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

IMG_1686A Lovely Lunch Chez Lilith

One of this past week’s highlights was my lunch last Thursday at the Lilith magazine offices. At the invitation of Editor-in-Chief Susan Weidman Schneider, I stopped by the book-filled space and, over some delicious food (including super-yummy mini-hamantaschen pastries for the Purim holiday), chatted with Susan and Managing Editor Naomi Danis.

Part of our discussion focused on Fig Tree Books (I’d brought along a galley of Jessamyn Hope’s Safekeeping), and some exciting possibilities for collaboration between Fig Tree and Lilith. Susan and Naomi also expressed a great deal of interest in my own writing, which I appreciated. Lilith occupies a fond place in my heart, since it was one of the first venues to publish a short story of mine—and the most recent to publish, on its blog, one of my poems.

Plus, I left lunch with a gift! Check out my nifty new tote bag! (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

11021279_390770854436778_3588398827398842663_nReading The Writer’s Chronicle

The latest issue of The Writer’s Chronicle arrived a few days ago. (It’s the March/April issue, and I don’t see it online yet; even when it goes online, I think you need to be a subscriber to access it in full.) Although I haven’t read through it in its entirety, I was intrigued to see the interview with Rebecca McClanahan and read that feature right away.

McClanahan teaches in the MFA program I attended, and while I never worked with her, the reading of hers that I attended was memorable and set me on a path to reading more of her poems and essays (I also purchased her writing-instruction book, Word Painting). I’ve always been drawn to the influence of extended family in McClanahan’s work, and The Writer’s Chronicle interview, which focuses on her recent family memoir, gave me much to think about in terms of my own family-infused writing.

I confess that even before reading the interview, however, I thumbed ahead to page 127, where the Fig Tree Books call for submissions appears. (Yes, I encouraged my employer and our marketing manager to place this ad!) (more…)