Sunday Sentence

In which I participate in David Abrams’s “Sunday Sentence” project, sharing the best sentence I’ve read during the past week, “out of context and without commentary.”

Wherever you look, the portents
bear the same burden: the lawns
will mold under the deep drifts,
the greens will thirst to death
in their dry dirt—are brown
already with a chill foresight;
look at the puffy, bundled spruce.

Source: “Endsong” by Robley Wilson (1930-2018), published on the inside cover of the November 2018 issue of Poetry magazine; previously published in the magazine in October 1981.

Monday Markets and Jobs for Writers

The weekly batch of no-fee, paying competitions, contests, and calls for submissions—plus jobs for those of us who write (especially those of us who write fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction). These posts are intended to complement/supplement monthly issues of The Practicing Writer newsletter, where you’ll always find more listings.

Monday Markets and Jobs for Writers

The weekly batch of no-fee, paying competitions, contests, and calls for submissions—plus jobs for those of us who write (especially those of us who write fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction). These posts are intended to complement/supplement monthly issues of The Practicing Writer newsletter, where you’ll always find more listings.

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick things:

1. Sent the full-length poetry manuscript to two contests over the weekend. Please wish me luck!

2. Been working on the November issue of The Practicing Writer newsletter. So please be sure to sign up if you aren’t already a subscriber. (And remember that you can still make use of much that’s included in the current [October] issue.)

3. If you aren’t already following John Sibley Williams on Twitter or Facebook, please consider doing so. You’ll discover a lot of wonderful poetry (his own, and others‘) and you’ll find out about developments as the first of his two 2019 collections approaches publication. (Over the past few days, for instance, there’s been both another amazing endorsement and pre-order news. I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll be saying it again—it’s not easy to keep up with him! But it’s certainly a privilege to be contributing to his publicity efforts.)

That’s what’s new here. How about with your writing practice?

Monday Markets and Jobs for Writers

The weekly batch of no-fee, paying competitions, contests, and calls for submissions—plus jobs for those of us who write (especially those of us who write fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction). These posts are intended to complement/supplement monthly issues of The Practicing Writer newsletter, where you’ll always find more listings.