Wednesday’s Work-in-Progress: Full-time and Freelance

LaunchThe biggest news this week is that my employer, Fig Tree Books LLC, has launched its imprint and announced its first four books, which will be published beginning in March 2015. Read the full press release on our wonderful website. And/or check out this generous coverage from Library Journal. (It’s never too late to celebrate! Lift a virtual glass as per the nifty image I had fun creating and am sharing here.)

Working for FTB means that I won’t be doing much of the freelance writing-about-books that I’ve done for such a long time. When I began working for FTB last month, I had just finished two such freelance assignments. One of them–a fall books preview article for The Jewish Journal–was published this week. I hope you’ll take a look. The other, a review-essay for The Missouri Review, will be in the forthcoming fall issue. I can give you a hint about it, though: If you found Meghan Daum’s essay in this week’s issue of The New Yorker interesting, you’ll find some similar food for thought in my TMR piece.

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins tonight. I’m not going to blog for the next couple of days. But rest assured, I’ll be back! In the meantime, here’s wishing a sweet and happy new year to everyone else who is celebrating.

Sunday Sentence

The Betrayers
In which I participate in David Abrams’s “Sunday Sentence” project, sharing the best sentence I’ve read during the past week, “out of context and without commentary.”


“The day’s heat had subsided, and the nighttime air felt gentle, consoling, as if bestowed upon them by a sympathetic spirit.”


Source: David Bezmozgis, The Betrayers (which I’m reading in complimentary e-galley version).