Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my writing practice.

1. I was saddened to learn this week of the demise of a newspaper that was part of my life for a long time—since my childhood move to New Jersey decades ago. Over time, the New Jersey Jewish News published my Bat Mitzvah announcement, some of my earliest freelance book reviews, and, most recently, a beautiful profile on the occasion of Birthright‘s release and a launch event in my home congregation. I’m going to miss it.

Two early clips, from what was then called “MetroWest Jewish News.”

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick notes from my desk.

1. I’ve been invited to a new podcast to talk about one of the biblical passages behind one of the poems in Birthright. We’re slated to record on Friday, so I’m busy returning to the materials that I studied when I began drafting the poem for a refresher mini-course. I’m always a little nervous (okay—maybe more than a little!) before interviews and discussions/readings. But I guess we all need to face these kinds of fears. I’ll keep you posted about how it goes/when the episode becomes available.


Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

1. I’m proud to be hosting the latest Jewish Book Carnival on my “other” blog, My Machberet. The July 2020 Carnival went live earlier this morning.

2. Yesterday, my friend Jessamyn Hope was the featured author in the latest online event organized by Jerusalism. So I would have “attended” it even without the open-mic element that followed Jessamyn’s own reading (from a gorgeous essay that you’ll find in the forthcoming anthology The New Spice Box: Contemporary Jewish Writing).

But Jessamyn had encouraged me to sign up to read from Birthright: Poems. So I did!
