Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

“Live from the Library”

It has been a busy time since last week’s update.

To begin: Wednesday evening, I read new poetry at the semi-annual Live from the Library event at the New York Society Library. It was a gracious, inspiring occasion. The Library did an amazing job. The room was packed, and the refreshments most welcome.

Each reader was allotted five minutes, which was enough time for me (I practiced! more than once!) to share three poems. None of them had been published.

YET. (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

It has been quite a busy literary time since my last update. Here are just a few highlights, in reverse chronological order.

“A Reading and Conversation with Harman Writer-in-Residence Eduardo Halfon”

PolishBoxerI discovered the work of Eduardo Halfon a few years ago, when his first book in English, The Polish Boxer, was released (and I reviewed it). I’ve followed his writing with great interest since then, and I was thrilled to learn that he’d been named the Fall 2016 Harman Writer-in-Residence at Baruch College of The City University of New York.

The Harman Writer traditionally gives a public reading during the semester in residence, and late yesterday it was Eduardo Halfon’s turn to do so. He did a wonderful job. I hope to have the chance to catch up the author at least one more time before his Harman appointment ends: I have some questions I’d like to ask him in conjunction with my ongoing essay/article/chapter on writings by grandchildren of Holocaust refugees and survivors, which I’ve mentioned here before. (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Mission Accomplished (Sort Of)

You’ll all be supremely relieved to know that I did complete that little personal essay that I mentioned last week. (Equally good news: I managed to navigate the new website/submission system.) The only little glitch remaining is that the photo I sent isn’t quite right, spec-wise. So that’s a task that remains.

In the Mix

themix_logoMotivated by this interview on the Beyond Your Blog site, I recently re-submitted an application to write for Hearst’s “The Mix.” (Yes, I applied once before–and was not accepted.)

But this week brought good news: admission to the freelancer pool. So now I’m receiving the daily prompts/assignments. Nothing has quite clicked for me yet–nothing has sparked any writing, let alone led to a byline. But, it’s early yet. We’ll see.

At the Day Job

Yesterday was a big day for all of us at Fig Tree Books: the official publication date for Ben Nadler’s The Sea Beach Line. Check out my celebratory post for the day over on the Fig Tree blog, if you please. We’ll all appreciate it!

What’s new with all of you?

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Quiet Americans Q3 Donation to The Blue Card

the-blue-card-logoA few days ago I caught this news online: “The Obama administration has awarded $12 million for assistance to Holocaust survivors.” Per the article: “The allocation from the Department of Health and Human Services to the Jewish Federations of North America, to be disbursed over five years, is part of an initiative launched in late 2013 by Vice President Joe Biden to address the needs of survivors in the United States, a quarter of whom live below the poverty line.”

Well, it isn’t exactly $12 million, but I did, just this past weekend, send in my Q3 donation to The Blue Card. As many of you know, since the release of Quiet Americans in January 2011, I’ve been sending quarterly payments to this organization, which also works to support U.S.-based survivors who are in need. (Basically, one dollar from each sale–whether it’s a print copy or an e-book–goes to The Blue Card.) Thanks to all of you who have purchased the book over these years–you are all contributing. (more…)

Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer


Contest Results

Remember when I told you about those limericks I composed recently for a contest? Well, the winners were announced last week. None of my limericks made the cut (alas!), but I thought I’d share the ones that did.

Newsletters Galore

This has been a busy newsletter week for me. The October issue of The Practicing Writer will be going out to subscribers at some point today (Wednesday). Meantime, a few days ago we sent out the latest newsletter from Fig Tree Books.

Fee-Based Litmag Submissions

Ah, the perennially popular minefield. A few days ago, I ran across a post on this topic that I liked a lot–I agreed with much of what the writer had to say. NB: I’m not interested in a big “debate” here that essentially regurgitates what we all shared the last time this topic came up on this blog. I simply want to share a new (to me) voice on the subject.