Monday Morning Markets/Jobs/Opportunities for Writers

  • There’s not much time left to take advantage of this (deadline is tomorrow, February 15): The American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) Educational Foundation is delighted to offer professional nonfiction writers the opportunity to apply for scholarships that will enable them to attend ASJA2011,” a conference in New York City scheduled for the end of April/beginning of May. Scholarships will be awarded to writers in three categories: blogging, nonfiction article, and nonfiction book. No application fees indicated.
  • “The Charles Johnson Student Fiction Award from Southern Illinois University Carbondale is an annual award competition intended to encourage increased artistic and intellectual growth among students, as well as reward excellence and diversity in creative writing. Each year, $1000 and a signed copy of a Charles Johnson book will be awarded to the winner.” Winning entry will also be published in Crab Orchard Review. “The award competition is open to all undergraduate and graduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled full- or part-time in a U.S. college or university.” Submissions must be postmarked during February. There is no entry fee.
  • Another student contest: The New York Times has just announced its latest Modern Love College Essay Contest. “If you have a personal story that illustrates the current state of love and relationships, e-mail it to us….The winning author will receive $1,000 and his or her essay will be published in a special ‘Modern Love’ column on May 1, 2011, and on” No entry fee. Deadline: March 31, 2011.
  • Interested in applying for a residency at the Anderson Center (Minn.)? The deadline for May-July residencies has passed, but if you’re interested in a spot for August-October, you have until March 1 to complete your application. Keep in mind that August residencies (sponsored by the Jerome Foundation) are limited to applicants who are emerging writers/artists from Minnesota and New York City. Check all the details at the website. No application fee indicated.
  • Last week I mailed signed copies of Quiet Americans to the winners of three separate giveaways. Meantime, at this very moment there are three more ways that you might receive your very own signed copy, too (at least, if you live in the U.S. or Canada). You can enter this Goodreads giveaway through Friday. You can “like” our Facebook page and thereby become eligible for two copies to be awarded next weekend, too. And you can check out The Quivering Pen, where Quiet Americans was named last Friday’s “Friday Freebie.” (But if all of this is just too much work and/or waiting, please feel free to go ahead and buy a copy!)
  • “Lake Superior State University [Mich.] seeks a full-time, tenure-track faculty member in the Department of English to start August, 2011. Primary responsibilities include teaching sections of composition I and/or II each semester, with occasional teaching of a Creative Writing course consisting of fiction, creative non-fiction, and/or playwriting.”
  • Whitman College (Wash.) invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor of English/Creative Writing (fiction).
  • New York University’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies is looking for part-time adjunct faculty “in Fiction Writing and Creative Nonfiction, Screenwriting and Writing for Television, Journalism and New Media, Business and Professional Writing, Basic Writing Skills, and Speech.”
  • Columbia College Chicago’s Department of English has extended the deadline for applications for the position of the Elma Stuckey Liberal Arts and Sciences Emerging Poet-in-Residence. This two-year position starts August 2011. “Poets from underrepresented communities and/or those who bring diverse cultural, ethnic, and national perspectives to their writing and teaching are particularly encouraged to apply. Successful candidate will teach, give a public reading, advise a student-curated reading series, and possibly supervise a small number of graduate theses.” Extended application deadline is March 1, 2011. (via CRWROPPS)
  • Tennessee Tech University seeks a Writer, the University of California (Office of the President) is looking for a Writer/Executive Communications Specialist, and the National Geographic Society (D.C.) invites applications for an Associate Editor position.
  • Monday Morning Markets/Jobs/Opportunities

  • Wondering what to do after finishing the MFA? It’s your lucky day! Check out this freshly updated compilation of post-MFA fellowships.
  • It’s been a week since the December issue of The Practicing Writer went out to subscribers, but it’s not too late to take advantage of the fee-free contest/opportunity listings and calls for submissions from paying literary publications that are listed there.
  • Speaking of paying literary publications: Cream City Review has announced that starting with work submitted during its current reading period, it “will be paying authors ‘semi-pro rates’.” Still pretty low, though: $3-$5/page for “fiction/comics/essays (excluding book reviews or interviews)” and $5-$10 per poem. Still, this is nice news. (via
  • As mentioned yesterday on my other blog, The Forward is looking for politics bloggers.
  • The next Workers Write! volume will be Tales from the Combat Zone “and will contain stories and poems from the soldier’s point of view (all branches welcome). We are interested in everything from command to grunt work. We will also consider war stories and peace keeping missions, as long as the job is the central theme. Drop us a line if you have a question.” Pays: $5-$50 “depending on length and rights requested.” They’ll also consider reprints. Deadline: December 1, 2011 “or until the issue is full.”
  • Got a poem about Nantucket? (No, not that “poem”!) Nantucket Directory is running a poetry contest. “Submit up to three unpublished poems about any aspect of Nantucket Island or life on Nantucket written in English.” Pays: “The winning poet will receive $250 and have his or her work published in the print and online editions of the 2011-12 Nantucket Directory.” There is no entry fee. Deadline: March 1, 2011.
  • Published Canadian authors (citizens or permanent residents): You may be intersted in applying for the Historic Joy Kogawa House residency program. The residency will run September 15, 2011-March 15, 2012 as part of a writer-in-residence program designed “to foster greater appreciation for Canadian writing with the Metro Vancouver community, offer members of the community an opportunity to interact with the resident author, and provide the space, time and resources for a Canadian author to write.” Pays: $2,500/month, plus free accommodation valued at $1,500/month, with assistance for travel expenses. No application fee. Applications must be received by midnight (PST) on December 15, 2010. NB: The Historic Joy Kogawa House has also compiled information on other opportunities for Canadian writers. (via Arc Poetry Magazine)
  • From the University of Edinburgh: “Applications are invited for a part-time (0.8) post combining the roles of Writer in Residence and Tutor in Creative Writing, based in the department of English Literature.”
  • Lifting Voices (D.C.), “a nonprofit, grassroots organization which helps young people discover and share their voices in order to grow, find joy, and accomplish change,” seeks a Writing Workshop Leader/Teacher. “The workshop leader contributes approximately 17-18 hours per week and is compensated at a rate of $1,300 per month from January 1 – June 15, with the possibility of a renewal at the end of the school year. 12 hours per week are spent teaching workshops, mainly on weekday afternoons, at locations around D.C. 2-3 hours per week are spent preparing for and following up on workshops, which may be done from home. 2 hours per week are spent preparing reports, which may be done from home. 1 hour per week is spent in a staff meeting, which is done in the Lifting Voices office. An estimated 10 to 15 hours per semester are spent assisting with special events and fundraisers, as needed.” Apply fast (by Friday, December 10).
  • Suffolk University (Mass.) is looking for a Web Writer/Editor, The Child/Mind Institute (N.Y.) seeks a Writer/Editor, and the William J. Clinton Foundation (N.Y.) invites applications for a Prospect Researcher/Writer.
  • Monday Morning Markets/Jobs/Opportunities (One Day Late)

    Here’s the usual round-up, delayed one day while I was observing Yom Kippur.

    October 15 is the application deadline for the Lynchburg (Va.) College Thornton Writer Residency: “A fourteen-week residency at Lynchburg College, including a stipend of $12,000, is awarded annually to a fiction writer for the fall term. The residency also includes housing, some meals, and roundtrip travel expenses. Writers who have published at least one book of fiction are eligible. The writer-in-residence will teach a weekly creative writing workshop, visit classes, and give a public reading. Submit one copy of a book of fiction, a curriculum vitae, a cover letter outlining evidence of successful teaching experience, and contact information for three references….There is no entry fee.”
    “The Department of English at Ohio University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in Creative Writing: Non-Fiction. We seek candidates of established achievement who have published at least one book. The successful candidate is expected to teach; publish and direct creative work; and participate in departmental/university governance. Expected to teach at both graduate and undergraduate levels. We are seeking a candidate with a commitment in working effectively with students, faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds. Position available September 2010.”
    “The Department of English [at Texas Christian University] invites applications for a tenure-track, assistant professor in creative writing with a specialization in poetry, contemporary literature, and creative nonfiction.”
    The University of Connecticut English Department seeks a poet to serve as Assistant/Associate/Full Professor In Residence to begin fall 2010. The selected candidate will teach one semester per year, give a public reading, and participate in the department community during that semester. Minimum Qualifications: an MFA or Ph.D; at least one published book of poetry; and a history of successful teaching in undergraduate and graduate workshops and literature courses. Preferred Qualifications: Teaching experience in a second genre, and the ability to teach prosody. Salary and rank commensurate with qualifications. This is a nine month, non-tenure track appointment. Depending on the availability of funding, the position may be renewed twice for a total of three years.
    “Nature Medicine, the prestigious monthly journal covering biomedical science and translational research, is currently accepting applications for its science writing internship. The intern will be closely involved in the editorial process and write news articles and briefs, as well as blog entries. This is not a paper-pushing internship! The person selected for the position will be reporting stories and working on editorial content full-time.” Pays: $1,000/month to successful candidate (internship begins in December and will be based in New York City).
    Rachel Dacus has compiled this list of small presses that publish poetry books outside of contests. Note that some presses may charge reading fees.
    Three job opportunities in Massachusetts: Boston University seeks a Senior Editor/Writer;Lasell College is looking for an Assistant Director of Communications; and Tufts University invites applications for Assistant Director, Writing Resources, for its Academic Resource Center.

    Harman Writer-in-Residence Program News

    Last night I had the amazing opportunity to attend a celebration marking the tenth anniversary of the Sidney Harman Writer-in-Residence Program at Baruch College of The City University of New York. Apart from the chance to meet and chat with Lorrie Moore, one of the program’s first visiting writers who came back to campus for this event (and author of some of my all-time favorite short stories), I also discovered some terrific news: Another of my literary idols, Francine Prose (see my review of her Reading Like a Writer here), will be the Fall 2008 Harman Writer-in-Residence. Lucky Baruch students who will have the chance to work with her, and lucky me who, you can bet, will be keeping tabs on the Harman Program site for the announcement of Prose’s public reading in October.