The Wednesday Web Browser for Writers

  • Loved Bill Keller’s piece in The New York Times Magazine on why it may be “time to add some poetry readings” to the congressional agenda.
  • Interesting ideas from Carol Tice on “ways to turn your old, dusty blog archive into cold, hard cash.”
  • Midge Raymond shares lessons learned about the art of reading aloud.
  • “Do you know what it’s like, someone giving you money to think about something for a month? I’ll tell you what it’s like: it’s pretty freaking awesome.” So says Cathy Day, in summarizing the fruits of one month’s labor, made possible by grants (and by the help of others). Terrific post (even if the photo of the John Harvard statue made me a little homesick).
  • The editorial team at Hayden’s Ferry Review shares a list of plots and plot devices that “make us yawn, wince, and occasionally scream in anger.”
  • Thursday’s Post-Publication Post: Six Months Later

    We passed a milestone this week, my friends: Tuesday, July 19, marked the six-month birthday of my short-story collection, Quiet Americans, which was released on January 19. So it seems appropriate to pause and consider a few things–including the future of “Thursday’s Post-Publication Posts.”

    As my friend and fellow author Ellen Meeropol–whose debut novel, House Arrest, was similarly released last winter–recently suggested, there comes a time when the promotional work recedes (or should recede), and the generation of new work takes precedence. I didn’t necessarily intend it, but I am, at this time, becoming increasingly forward-looking, too.

    I’m by no means ready to abandon my precious Quiet Americans (more about that in a moment), but various forces are motivating me to think that these Thursday posts should gain a new focus (and some new titles). I welcome your thoughts about this. I will say that I’ve noticed that several writers-who-blog incorporate regular “Confession” posts, and that’s tempting (for two examples, albeit material that posts regularly on Tuesdays, see the blogs by Kelli Russell Agodon and January Gill O’Neil). But I blogged before I had a daily post “theme,” and I can do so again.

    Things to think about!

    Meantime, as I said, I am by no means ready to part ways with my beloved Quiet Americans! I’m still arranging events, I’m still doing interviews (please see the latest one over on The Story Prize blog), and–this is very important–I am still available to call in and join your book clubs for conversation!

    Less publicly, I continue to receive lovely, always-to-be-cherished messages from readers. Which reminds me: It’s never too late for you fans to post your glowing words on Amazon, Goodreads, or any other review venue you may choose.

    Six months in, it’s been a great ride. And for that, I am exceedingly grateful. Thank you.

    The Wednesday Web Browser for Writers

  • Author Ellen Meeropol asks: “How is a blog like a Tupperware party?”
  • Fab post on book promotion from Randy Susan Meyers for Beyond the Margins.
  • Ever wondered how much an editor should charge?
  • Attention, freelancers (especially newbies)! Carol Tice shows you how to “Avoid Hassles with a Writer’s Basic Assignment Checklist.
  • Joe Ponepinto suggests that when we need writing prompts, we should head to Home Depot.
  • Natalie Wexler considers “how much freedom should a writer exercise in playing around with historical fact.”
  • Poet Kelli Russell Agodon explains why she has a Facebook page (and why other authors, poets, and writers should have them, too. (Have you seen mine?)
  • Jewish Book Carnival: June Edition

    My Machberet is proud to serve as June host for the Jewish Book Carnival, “a monthly event where bloggers who blog about Jewish books can meet, read, and comment on each others’ posts. The posts are hosted on one of the participant’s sites on the 15th of each month.”

    Herewith, this month’s Carnival posts:


    Monday Morning Markets/Jobs/Opportunities

    This will be an abbreviated version. Blame my weekend travels, the Memorial Day holiday, and my efforts to finish the June Practicing Writer. I hope that you’ll find it helpful nonetheless! And for all of us in the U.S., here’s to a meaningful Memorial Day.

  • Carol Tice, the mastermind behind the Make A Living Writing blog (included within Practicing Writing’s blogroll), will henceforth pay $50 for each guest post on her blog. Read all about her new policy (and find the pitching guidelines) here.
  • Dalkey Archive Press, “is considering applications for positions at its Champaign, IL (University of Illinois) or Dublin (Trinity College) offices. Rather than job descriptions, [a] list of requirements, areas of focus, preferences, and characteristics will be used to judge an applicant’s suitability. Specific areas of responsibility will depend upon applications received. All positions at the Press overlap to a degree. Applicants from outside the United States are welcome to apply, but only applicants with European Union citizenship will be considered for assignment to the Dublin office.”
  • Full Sail University (Fla.) is “is now accepting applications for “the Course Director, The Business of Creative Writing position in its Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts Degree Program. Course Directors ensure excellence in teaching skills and classroom content…In The Business of Creative Writing Course, students will learn about the business of creative writing as well as similarities and differences among different entertainment media genres and distribution methods. This course will complement students’ writing skills with the marketing, publishing, and legal basics necessary to be successful creative writers in the entertainment media industry. In addition, current issues, topics, and trends that may impact the careers of graduates will be addressed, such as the roles of literary agents and unions, new technologies, and new opportunities.”
  • Lewis & Clark College (Ore.) seeks a Director of Public Relations, Brandeis University International Business School (Mass.) is looking for a Communications Coordinatorr, and Poets & Writers, Inc., invites applications for an Information Technology Associate position.