Monday Morning Markets/Jobs/Opportunities for Writers

  • For its next e-chapbook, Wordrunner Electronic Chapbooks will consider poetry collections. Pays: $65. No entry/reading fee. Deadline: May 31, 2011. (via
  • The Wellcome Trust Science Writing Prize 2011, in association with the Guardian and the Observer, “aims to find the next generation of undiscovered science writing talent” in the U.K. Two entry categories: “professional, funded scientists of postgraduate level and above” and “anyone else with a non-professional interest in science (this includes undergraduate students).” They are not looking for “professional journalists and authors who already write for money.” There is no entry fee indicated. Winning articles from each category will be published and winners will receive a £1,000 prize. “The top 30 shortlisted entrants will also be invited to attend a science writing workshop at the Guardian offices in October 2011.” Deadline: May 20, 2011. (hat tip to @LeneAGary)
  • Here’s a new creative writing residency–in Singapore–open to published writers of any nationality. From the National University of Singapore: “Application for the Creative Writing Residency programme is now open. Created to promote creative writing, this is the first such writing residency in Singapore. It is jointly organised by the National University of Singapore’s University Scholars Programme (NUS USP) and The Arts House (TAH). The residency aims to: 1. Provide time and opportunity for the Resident to complete a written work in English; 2. Generate interaction and critical discussion among potential writers and stimulate new writing from them through mentorship and public programmes. The completed work, which can be fiction or non-fiction, may cover any topic, and should be in one of the following forms; prose, verse, stage play, radio play or screenplay. The work must be of a standard ready for publication and for a public reading/lecture.The residency will be for a period of one year from 1 August 2011 to 31 July 2012 and the resident will be required to take up residence at Cinnamon College, the USP residential college at National University of Singapore. The resident will receive a monthly stipend of $3,500 as well as a bonus at the end of the residency (which is subject to performance). The resident will be provided with board, lodging, a computer, and supporting peripherals during the tenure of his/her residency.” No application fee indicated. Deadline: May 13, 2011.
  • Would a scholarship help you attend the 2011 Book Blogger Conference? Check out these generous offerings on Babbling About Books, and More and Presenting Lenore. No application fees. Deadlines for both scholarships: April 13, 2011.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology seeks a Communications Director, the Council of Foreign Relations (New York) is looking for an Associate Writer (Economics), and National Public Radio (Washington) invites applications for a Books Editor/Producer position.
  • The Wednesday Web Browser

  • As you probably know, we’re now in National Poetry Month. I haven’t been doing a very good job keeping you totally up-to-date, but I’ll hope to remedy my shortcomings somewhat by pointing you to Kelli Russell Agodon’s Big Poetry Giveaway; a special series of poetry-book discussions; celebratory ideas from Sage Cohen, author of Writing the Life Poetic; and plenty of poetry from The Forward‘s “Arty Semite” blog.
  • And speaking of poetry, here’s a lovely (and short) video that Diane Lockward has put together to acknowledge all of the poets who took place in the recent Girl Talk reading in West Caldwell, N.J. (Yes, yours truly is included.) Thanks, Diane!
  • Any time Rebecca Makkai has a new story out, it’s a noteworthy event. Her latest, serialized this week on Five Chapters, is titled “The Disappearance of Miranda Željko.
  • Big congrats to Kelley Coyner, who has just landed a gig writing about nonfiction for The Writer’s Center’s First Person Plural blog. Take a look at the inaugural post–Kelley wants to hear from commenters! (And I’m personally grateful to Kelley for letting me know that a tip on this blog led her to this opportunity.)
  • And while we’re on nonfiction, do read “Notes for an Essay on Race and Class in a Uni Town,” by our friend, “Oronte Churm.”
  • The Wednesday Web Browser for Writers

  • Mentioned this already on My Machberet, but it’s worth re-presenting: Last week, Cynthia Ozick was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Jewish Book Council. Read Ozick’s reflections “on what it is to write as a Jew in America” here.
  • Virtual Book Tours 101, a guest post for Grub Street Daily, provides basics and background.
  • Nina Badzin adds a new post to her Twitter Tips series.
  • Former Alaskan David Abrams pays tribute to one of the state’s favorite sons, poet John Haines, who passed away earlier this month.
  • Since I have always found endings to be among the most challenging aspects of short-story writing, I really appreciated this post on the subject from Robin Black (for Beyond the Margins).
  • Speaking of short stories: Fiction Writers Review is launching a “Journal of the Week” giveaway feature, and the inaugural offerings are three free subscriptions from One Story.
  • Looking for some guest-blogging opportunities (and not concerned about getting paid)? Check out this call (for poet-bloggers) from Chloé Yelena Miller, and this one from First Person Plural, the blog of The Writer’s Center in Bethesda, Md.
  • In the unlikely case that you haven’t heard yet about Téa Obreht and her debut novel, The Tiger’s Wife, this New York Times profile will clue you in. (I haven’t read the novel yet, but I did love this Obreht story in The Atlantic.)
  • Monday Morning Markets/Jobs/Opportunities for Writers

  • There’s not much time left to take advantage of this (deadline is tomorrow, February 15): The American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) Educational Foundation is delighted to offer professional nonfiction writers the opportunity to apply for scholarships that will enable them to attend ASJA2011,” a conference in New York City scheduled for the end of April/beginning of May. Scholarships will be awarded to writers in three categories: blogging, nonfiction article, and nonfiction book. No application fees indicated.
  • “The Charles Johnson Student Fiction Award from Southern Illinois University Carbondale is an annual award competition intended to encourage increased artistic and intellectual growth among students, as well as reward excellence and diversity in creative writing. Each year, $1000 and a signed copy of a Charles Johnson book will be awarded to the winner.” Winning entry will also be published in Crab Orchard Review. “The award competition is open to all undergraduate and graduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled full- or part-time in a U.S. college or university.” Submissions must be postmarked during February. There is no entry fee.
  • Another student contest: The New York Times has just announced its latest Modern Love College Essay Contest. “If you have a personal story that illustrates the current state of love and relationships, e-mail it to us….The winning author will receive $1,000 and his or her essay will be published in a special ‘Modern Love’ column on May 1, 2011, and on” No entry fee. Deadline: March 31, 2011.
  • Interested in applying for a residency at the Anderson Center (Minn.)? The deadline for May-July residencies has passed, but if you’re interested in a spot for August-October, you have until March 1 to complete your application. Keep in mind that August residencies (sponsored by the Jerome Foundation) are limited to applicants who are emerging writers/artists from Minnesota and New York City. Check all the details at the website. No application fee indicated.
  • Last week I mailed signed copies of Quiet Americans to the winners of three separate giveaways. Meantime, at this very moment there are three more ways that you might receive your very own signed copy, too (at least, if you live in the U.S. or Canada). You can enter this Goodreads giveaway through Friday. You can “like” our Facebook page and thereby become eligible for two copies to be awarded next weekend, too. And you can check out The Quivering Pen, where Quiet Americans was named last Friday’s “Friday Freebie.” (But if all of this is just too much work and/or waiting, please feel free to go ahead and buy a copy!)
  • “Lake Superior State University [Mich.] seeks a full-time, tenure-track faculty member in the Department of English to start August, 2011. Primary responsibilities include teaching sections of composition I and/or II each semester, with occasional teaching of a Creative Writing course consisting of fiction, creative non-fiction, and/or playwriting.”
  • Whitman College (Wash.) invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor of English/Creative Writing (fiction).
  • New York University’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies is looking for part-time adjunct faculty “in Fiction Writing and Creative Nonfiction, Screenwriting and Writing for Television, Journalism and New Media, Business and Professional Writing, Basic Writing Skills, and Speech.”
  • Columbia College Chicago’s Department of English has extended the deadline for applications for the position of the Elma Stuckey Liberal Arts and Sciences Emerging Poet-in-Residence. This two-year position starts August 2011. “Poets from underrepresented communities and/or those who bring diverse cultural, ethnic, and national perspectives to their writing and teaching are particularly encouraged to apply. Successful candidate will teach, give a public reading, advise a student-curated reading series, and possibly supervise a small number of graduate theses.” Extended application deadline is March 1, 2011. (via CRWROPPS)
  • Tennessee Tech University seeks a Writer, the University of California (Office of the President) is looking for a Writer/Executive Communications Specialist, and the National Geographic Society (D.C.) invites applications for an Associate Editor position.