Jewish Books on My Radar: January-June 2021

It’s hopeless. I will never be caught up with all the reading that I want to do—not even within the subset of my reading that can be categorized as “reading of Jewish interest.”

And yet! I haven’t yet given up on assembling lists like this one, of brand-new (as in published this week) and soon-to-be-published titles on my radar for the first half of 2021. (Again, let’s try to ignore the fact that I have yet to finish reading all the titles I’ve shared on previous lists of this sort!)

I couldn’t fit cover images from all 18 titles within this pretty image. Please scroll down to find the full list, listed (more or less) in chronological order, with January’s releases posted first.

Assortment of book covers.
Thanks so much to Julie Zuckerman for her (patient!) “Advanced Beginner” tutorial in the art of the Canva collage.

Words of the Week

“I can feel freedom. I stay by the window and look out. The first thing I do in the morning is look out and see the world. I am alive. I have food, I go out, I go for walks, I do some shopping. And I remember: No one wants to kill me. So, still, I read. I cook a little bit. I shop a little bit. I learned the computer. I do puzzles.

I still sometimes feel that I am missing out. A full year is gone. I lost my childhood, I never had my teenage years. And now, in my old age, this is shortening my life by a year. I don’t have that many years left. The way we have lived this year means I have lost many opportunities to lecture, to tell more people my story, to let them see me and know the Holocaust happened to a real person, who stands in front of them today. It’s important.”

Source: Toby Levy, “The Holocaust Stole My Youth. Covid-19 Is Stealing My Last Years” (The New York Times)