Jewish Literary Links for Shabbat

Photo Credit: Reut Miryam Cohen
  • Did you miss the Jewish Book Council’s Twitter Book Club chat with Anna Solomon this week? You can read the transcript here. Next up for the club: Nathan Englander (March 27) and Natasha Solomons (April 26).
  • On “Good Letters,” the Image journal blog, poet Rick Chess reflects on listening, psalms, and Night.
  • The latest issue of Hadassah magazine features a profile of author Cynthia Ozick.
  • If you’re in the Bay Area this weekend, you have the opportunity to attend a pretty spectacular-looking BookFest at the JCC of San Francisco. Take a peek at Sunday’s schedule.
  • Some controversy is swirling around Deborah Feldman’s Unorthodox.
  • Washington Jewish Week (based in Rockville, Md.) is looking for a Senior Writer.
  • Shabbat shalom!

    Jewish Literary Links for Shabbat

    Photo Credit: Reut Miryam Cohen
  • The New York Times divulges author Nathan Englander’s Sunday routine.
  • Speaking of Nathan Englander, not everyone will agree with Adam Kirsch’s take on his latest work, but you can’t deny that Kirsch’s conclusion is tantalizing and provocative: “Perhaps the great Jewish fiction of the near future will have to be less psychological and social than is currently the norm, and more explicitly political. And perhaps the great dividing line in contemporary Jewish life is not the one between religious and secular Jews, but between those who see themselves as members of a historical Jewish nation, and those who find such an identity archaic or delusional.”
  • JTA, “the global news service of the Jewish people,” is hiring.
  • New graduate program in Jewish cultural arts.
  • Deborah Feldman’s new memoir, Unorthodox, is making waves. Read all about it.
  • Shabbat shalom!

    J-Job Alert: Book Festival Director Sought (Atlanta)

    The Marcus Jewish Community Center (Atlanta) is looking for a Book Festival Director: “As one of the MJCCA’s most critically-acclaimed and high profile programs, the two-week Book Festival of the MJCCA has a strong national and local status that allows the agency to attract best-selling authors and some of the country’s best speakers. Each November, the book festival engages more than 10,000 festival-goers with 45+ authors, speakers, and celebrities. Throughout the year, the festival hosts ‘Page from the Book Festival’ events that create year-long excitement for Atlanta’s readers.” For position details and application instructions, check

    Jewish Literary Links for Shabbat

    Shabbat shalom!

    Job Alerts!

    The Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)’s publishing arm (URJ Books and Music) has posted two job announcements that may interest readers of My Machberet. Both jobs are full-time positions in New York.

    First, they’re looking for an Editor. They’re also seeking a Production Manager.

    Check the links for details, and good luck to any of you who may apply!