J-Job Alert: JTA Seeks Feature Writer/Blogger

“JTA, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, is seeking a high-energy, self-directed, deadline-oriented individual to work as a full-time feature writer/blogger. The ideal candidate will write profiles and feature stories pertaining to trends in American Jewish life and report and blog with a Jewish perspective on arts, entertainment, sports and the hottest news topics of the day. The candidate must have journalistic experience; familiarity with Jewish sensibilities and interests; the versatility and creativity to come up with a compelling Jewish angle on a wide variety of topics. The successful candidate will have excellent research and writing abilities and a conversational, engaging style.”

The complete announcement for this full-time job in NYC is available on JournalismJobs.com.

Jewish Literary Links for Shabbat

Photo Credit: Reut Miryam Cohen
  • It’s always a good week when the quarterly Jewish Book World arrives in the mail. I’ll signal to you the essays from Sami Rohr Prize winner Gal Beckerman, Rohr Choice Award winner Abigail Green, and Rohr finalist Ruth Franklin. (You can download a digital copy here.)
  • Next up: How about an anthology featuring work by women writers from the Middle East? Great idea! Just leave out the Israelis, please. Or else. (Can you imagine the response if it had been an Israeli author who campaigned for the exclusion of Palestinians?)
  • Benjamin Ivry writes about Swedish-Jewish novelist Stephan Mendel-Enk.
  • Job alert: “The Yiddish Book Center seeks a Program Manager to join a dynamic cultural organization and to join its education team. The program manager will oversee an exciting new national education program designed and led by the Book Center. The program targets Jews in their 20s and will offer week-long sessions exploring diverse aspects of modern Jewish culture and creativity.”
  • “As the publishing world waits with baited breath for the opening of Book Expo America this weekend, the Museum of Jewish Heritage is doing its part by bringing together authors from the Museum family to talk books with visitors. Six survivors and one survivor/US Army vet who have written books – or whose story is told in a book – will sit at tables in the lobby and talk about their books and their experiences during the war.” If you’ll be in NYC this Sunday, consider stopping by for this free event.
  • Shabbat shalom!

    Jewish Literary Links for Shabbat

    Photo Credit: Reut Miryam Cohen

    Once again, there’s so much to share this week. Let’s get started.

  • You may recall how much I admired HHhH, the Laurent Binet novel translated by Sam Taylor. Now, I’m thinking that I should try to pick up a copy of the original French edition. Plus: In The New Yorker, James Wood weighs in with a review that’s definitely worth reading (and thinking about).
  • Mazel tov to Israel on the recent honor it received at the International Book Fair of Buenos Aires.
  • “The Philip Roth Society proudly announces a call for papers for Roth@80, a conference event organized, in conjunction with the Newark Preservation & Landmarks Committee, to mark the 80th birthday of Philip Roth. It will take place on March 18-19, 2013, at the Robert Treat Hotel in Newark, NJ.” Proposal deadline is September 1, 2012.
  • On The Whole Megillah, Nancy K. Miller answers questions on the writing process behind her award-winning family memoir, What They Saved: Pieces of a Jewish Past.
  • This week brought us the May Jewish Book Carnival. Thanks to the Jewish Book Council’s blog (The ProsenPeople) for hosting.
  • Sixth & I, “a historic synagogue and center for arts, entertainment, and cultural experiences in downtown DC,” is looking for a Cultural Programming Associate. And the Boston-based Jewish Women’s Archive (JWA) is advertising a paid internship in communications & social media.
  • Shabbat shalom.

    Jewish Literary Links for Shabbat

    Photo Credit: Reut Miryam Cohen

    It’s time for the weekly batch of Internet finds of Jewish literary interest.

  • Let’s begin here: Did you know that Cynthia Ozick has written a novel set in a Jewish day school?
  • On the Jewish flavor of the works of Maurice Sendak.
  • Summer internship opportunity (albeit unpaid) with the Jewish Book Council.
  • And a job announcement from the Forward, which is looking for an Arts & Culture Editor.
  • Finally, a personal note: This week marked the 30th anniversary of my becoming a Bat Mitzvah. The secular and Hebrew calendars seem to be aligned, because this week’s Torah portion, Parashat Emor, was mine. Last year, New Vilna Review published Emor,” a poem inspired by my attendance at a more recent May Bat Mitzvah ceremony.
  • Shabbat shalom.

    Jewish Literary Links for Shabbat

    Photo Credit: Reut Miryam Cohen
  • Caught up a few days ago with a terrific new story by Joan Leegant, “Displaced Persons,” that is set in Israel.
  • And speaking of stories, a new issue of JewishFiction.net is now available.
  • Editors and agents may now apply for the Jerusalem International Book Fair Fellowship.
  • MyJewishLearning.com is looking for a full-time Editorial Assistant.
  • Further piquing my considerable interest: Janet Maslin’s review of Jonathan Sarna’s When General Grant Expelled the Jews.
  • New Jersey Jewish News spotlights the Jewish Plays Project.
  • And a couple of literary notes of my own: my review of Nathan Englander’s new story collection and a bit about my latest poem, “Jerusalem Dream.”
  • Shabbat Shalom and Chag Pesach Sameach!