Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

1. In case you were wondering: The critique session that I mentioned last week did happen on Sunday, and IT WENT WELL. There’s a lot of work to do on my picture-book ms. (A lot.) But everyone was so constructive with their feedback, and the idea behind my project received so much validation. I’m extremely encouraged to continue.


Midweek Notes from a Practicing Writer

Three quick updates from my desk.

1. There’s always a first time. Over the decades, I’ve submitted my work—fiction, nonfiction, and poetry—for comment to countless workshops, classes, and critique groups. But this week brings a milestone: For the first time, I’ve submitted a children’s picture-book manuscript for group feedback. (The online class I was part of in September, though interactive, did not feature a “workshop” component.)
