Words of the Week: Howard Jacobson

“Zionism is the expression of a people’s soul: It is a longing and a necessity, a Utopian fantasy, an understanding of history, a solution, an act of reasoning, an act of despair, a prayer, a poem, and a song. Hate the poetry of my soul and you hate me.”

Source: Howard Jacobson’s “Advice to a Jewish Freshman,” a must-read from the latest Sapir Journal.

UPDATE: I’ve just learned that Jacobson will discuss this essay with Sapir’s editor-in-chief Bret Stephens next Thursday, November 18. Details/Zoom registration can be found here.

Jewish Literary Links

A college of book covers featuring work by authors whose book launches/tours are being severely impacted by COVID-19.
Julie Zuckerman, author and literary citizen extraordinaire, assembled this amazing collage that features new/forthcoming books by members of a Facebook group for Jewish women and non-binary writers. It’s something, isn’t it?

Each week as Shabbat approaches, the My Machberet blog presents an array of Jewish-interest links, primarily of the literary variety.
