Jewish Literary Links

an open book (with Hebrew pages visible); subtitle reads "Jewish Literary Links"
Image by Yedidia Klein from Pixabay

Toward the end of each week, the My Machberet blog presents a collection of links, drawn primarily from the world of Jewish books and writing.

And especially if they’re new to you, please check out these two documents-in-progress: “After October 7: Readings, Recordings, and More” and “Writers, Beware.”

Shabbat shalom.

Jewish Literary Links

an open book (with Hebrew pages visible); subtitle reads "Jewish Literary Links"
Image by Yedidia Klein from Pixabay

  • From School Library Journal: “Cynthia Levinson on the Significance of Her Sibert Win for Picture Book on Artist Ben Shahn.”
  • Cross-posted in my monthly newsletter for writers: February 16 is the application deadline for the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute Scholars-in-Residence Program, which offers “outstanding scholars, writers and artists the opportunity to be in residence at HBI at different points during the year.” The program “is open to scholars working on any aspect of Jewish women’s and gender studies in order to devote time to their research. These residencies take place during the academic year and generally range from two months to a full semester. Applications for a full academic year will be considered.” NB: “While we continue to adapt to the exigencies of Covid 19, HBI welcomes applications for in-person, virtual and hybrid residencies.” Residencies confer a stipend of $5,000/month. “In addition, participants will receive (shared) office space at the Women’s Studies Research Center at Brandeis University and access to all available Brandeis University resources as state and university health policies permit.” Additionally, “the HBI offers a dedicated residency devoted to research and creations that use the Jewish Feminism Collections in Brandeis University’s Archives and Special Collections.”
  • Now posted on the Jewish Book Council’s site: Steven Volynets’s short story “Shaare Emunah,” one of the most memorable pieces I’ve read in the latest issue of Paper Brigade.
  • A reading recommendation from Julie Zuckerman: Returning to Carthage by Ben Sharafski. “This linked story collection, by Israeli-Australian writer Ben Sharafski, explores the dramas lurking under the surface of everyday life in suburban Sydney. The stories take place in Australia, Laos, Manchuria, Tel Aviv and elsewhere. As one reviewer on Amazon put it, ‘The stories are a rich tapestry of emotions, sights and sounds.’ I really enjoyed this collection, particularly a story that takes place over a wedding weekend in which the bride’s Japanese culture intersects with the groom’s Israeli/Jewish heritage, as well as the final story, ‘Waiting,’ in which the narrator returns to Israel to help his younger brother care for their dying mother. I look forward to seeing more of Sharafski’s work.”
  • And icymi: this week brought the start of the spring-semester course that I’m teaching that’s focusing on Contemporary Jewish Literature. Read more about it.

Shabbat shalom!