Friday Find: "Woman of Letters: Irene Nemirovsky and Suite Francaise"

If you’ve seen the latest (November) issue of The Writer magazine, you may have caught my short “Take Note” item about a new exhibition at Manhattan’s Museum of Jewish Heritage—A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. Titled “Woman of Letters: Irène Némirovsky and Suite Française,” the exhibition runs into March 2009 and is accompanied by an impressive Web site.

I haven’t yet made it to the Museum to see the exhibition, but this week Edward Rothstein reviewed it for the New York Times. I think his review is essential reading for anyone interested in Némirovsky, Suite Française, and/or the exhibition itself. Rothstein does a particularly good job summarizing the ambiguities and dilemmas that too many reviews of the U.S. translation failed to acknowledge. (For my own take on the book, please click here.)

To its credit, the Museum is offering a number of complementary programs to help elucidate these points. One will take place this Sunday (October 26), and it features eminent historians Robert O. Paxton and Michael Marrus, who will offer context on “Jews in Vichy France.” (Aunt Erika has a competing and admittedly more cheerful commitment pre-celebrating Halloween with a certain box of French fries [five-year-old niece] and cheeseburger [two-year-old nephew] that will preclude attendance.) Another event is planned for December 8, when a panel of literary critics and scholars (including one with whom I had the pleasure of studying as a graduate student) will take on the dicey subject of “Irène Némirovsky and the Jewish Question.”

Whatever your plans, I wish you all a bon week-end!

And Still More Information on Low-Residency/Summer Study MFA/MA Programs

One of the most frequently visited posts here at Practicing Writing is the one that provides a set of links to as many low-residency/summer study MFA/MA programs in creative writing as I’ve been able to find. I continue to update that link list as often as seems necessary, adding links to new programs I’ve discovered and trying to keep the links current and accurate. You can see the updated page, now with even MORE program links, right here.

This list can be useful not just for potential students seeking a one-stop shop from which to base their visits to program sites; it’s also a useful page for writers who’d like to query program directors about employment possibilities.

I will keep updating that list as I discover relevant new information. Which reminds me: Has anyone been able to locate a Web page for the new program at Drew University (in poetry and poetry in translation) advertised in the latest Poets & Writers? As a loyal albeit former Jersey girl, I’d love to be able to add that one to the list.

Congratulations, BJ Epstein!

I’m happy to share an update about practicing writer (and translator) Brett Jocelyn (BJ) Epstein, whom you may recall from this interview. Over on her blog, Brett is reporting on the Nordic Translation Conference, which took place last week in London (and which she organized). As for her personal writing practice, Brett has recently been named a recipient of a 2008 bursary from Academi, the Welsh National Literature Promotion Agency. Richly deserved. Congratulations, BJ!

In Praise of Powerful Writing

This week I received some unexpected and highly gratifying news: Lisa Romeo, a writer I’ve come to know “virtually” and whose work I expect to be reading well into the future, gave me a “roar,” including me with four other “fearless writers” as part of a new blog project.

Confused? I’ll admit that I was, too. Here’s the deal: Lisa was effectively tagged for this project, which “aims to celebrate good and powerful writing in the blogosphere.” Those so tagged are asked to post the “award” on their own blogs; list three things they believe “are necessary for good, powerful writing”; and then move the project forward by passing the award on to five additional blogs they deem worthy: “Let’s send a roar through the blogosphere.” (To see Lisa’s incredibly kind words about me [truly, she can’t begin to know how much I appreciate them], and to discover the identities and blogs of her other “roars,” click here.)

As for my own views on three elements of “good, powerful writing,” I offer the following:

CLARITY. If I have to struggle to understand it, you’ve lost me at hello (or your piece’s equivalent).

CONVICTION. Passionate writing is powerful writing. Which is not to say that your passion shouldn’t be appropriately reined in. See immediately above. And immediately below.

CREDIBILITY. Be honest. Do your research. Admit your biases. Acknowledge counter-argument. Then you’ll really be writing good, powerful material.

And now, without further ado, I am delighted to present five more writers who merit a “roar.”

B.J. Epstein. More than four years after my graduation, I (still) have a lot of ambivalent feelings toward my MFA program/experience. But I’ve never had any doubt in my good fortune in encountering B.J. Epstein there. B.J. is a “powerful” writer who seems remarkably unaware of just how extraordinary she is. She applies her very considerable intelligence, curiosity, and sheer work ethic to multiple forms of writing. I met her through her fiction. But she is an accomplished editor, translator, and English teacher. My own writing has benefited time and again from B.J.’s critical attention; I’m always learning about translation at her Brave New Words blog.

Seth Gitell. I didn’t know Seth well in college (we were classmates). But I read his articles in The Crimson then, and I visit his “Dispatches” blog regularly now. Currently a columnist and contributing editor of The New York Sun (and a frequent contributor to Boston Magazine), Seth served as press secretary to Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino from 2003-2006. He’s exceedingly well-informed, and a fine writer. Recently, I’ve especially enjoyed his dispatches from the presidential campaign trail, and I know I’ll keep reading as the 2008 election season becomes even more intense.

Erin O’Connor. Given my current “day job” in academic administration, I do try to keep up with a number of “academic” blogs. And one I check regularly is Erin O’Connor’s Critical Mass (and O’Connor was blogging under that title well before the NBCC Board of Directors took it on). O’Connor is an English professor, and looking at her course titles it’s not hard to understand that she takes writing seriously. She brings that seriousness (not to mention a scrupulous approach to documentation) to her blog, and I, for one, appreciate it.

Connie Schultz.Technically, Schultz is not a blogger. But ever since I attended her presentation at last year’s Nieman Narrative Nonfiction Conference, and heard her read from her Pulitzer prize-winning columns, hers is one of the first names that comes to mind when I think of “fearless writers.” And when I went searching for some links to share with you, I wasn’t surprised to discover that she has, in fact, put in some blogging time over on the Huffington Post (where, among other things, she addressed fearlessness). After a period on leave from her Cleveland Plain Dealer column (during her husband’s campaign for the U.S. Senate), Schultz is back writing for that paper. For the sake of this post, let’s consider the online archive of her columns a “blog” of sorts.

Martin Solomon. I’ve never met Martin, and I’ve only recently discovered his blog, Solomonia. But I’m impressed by what I’ve found there, and almost awed by the honesty that pervades it. Martin is not afraid to tell you what he thinks, and he’s equally willing to put his time, brainpower, and writing skills in service of those beliefs. That’s powerful.