Words of the Week (and a Brief Note)

“The Jewish state builds my Jewish identity even if I spend my whole life in Los Angeles or New York or Miami.”

Source: Gil Troy, quoted in Jewish Journal in a discussion occasioned by the publication of his new anthology The Zionist Ideas.

And a brief note: I’m going to be taking a brief blogging break, so there will be no “Pre-Shabbat Jewish Literary Links” posted this week. In the meantime, you may wish to read more “words of the week”—from my own keyboard—in the form of my latest “View from the USA” column for the UK’s Jewish Chronicle. L’hitraot (“until we meet again”).

Writing (and Publishing) While Jewish: The Situation in 2018

Last Sunday, I had the privilege of co-leading a session—with author Rachel Kadish—at Grub Street’s The Muse and the Marketplace conference in Boston.

Session sign from The Muse and the Marketplace.

Here’s the official description for the session on “Writing (and Publishing) While Jewish: The Situation in 2018”: (more…)

Back Next Week

In case you missed the note on my other blog—please stand by for the next post(s) to come once I return from a long weekend attending Grub Street’s The Muse and the Marketplace conference in Boston. Thanks so much for your patience. Enjoy the end of Passover, and Shabbat shalom!