Notes from Around the Web: Jewish Literary Links for Shabbat

A few literary links to direct your way before Shabbat:

  • Really fascinating take on “[Jonathan] Franzen, [Allegra] Goodman, and ‘The Great American Novel’,” by Gabriel Brownstein over on The Millions.
  • Many Mazel Tovs to the finalists for the Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature. This year, the award will be presented to a fiction writer, and the contenders are Allison Amend (Stations West), Nadia Kalman (The Cosmopolitans), Julie Orringer (The Invisible Bridge), Austin Ratner (The Jump Artist), and Joseph Skibell (A Curable Romantic).
  • The situation in Egypt has inspired author André Aciman to revisit his memories of growing up (Jewish) in Alexandria.
  • Book critic Sandee Brawarsky recommends the poetry of Merle Feld.
  • presents its canonical “50 Most Essential Works Of Jewish Fiction Of The Last 100 Years.” (hat tip, Jewish Book Council)
  • Less canonical, perhaps, but no less worth reading (at least in my view): the bibliography that accompanied a recent panel on Jewish-American Fiction in the 21st Century.
  • Last Sunday, I spent a lovely afternoon touring (and reading from my new book of short stories, Quiet Americans) at the National Museum of American Jewish Military History.
  • Speaking of my book, please check in with our blog tour. Our latest stops have taken us to the Jewish Muse and First Line blogs.
  • Shabbat shalom!

    May Event in D.C.—Family Stories: Daughters, Mothers, and Bubbes

    On Sunday, I was fortunate to visit the National Museum of American Jewish Military History, a marvelous gem of a place near Dupont Circle in Washington. I was there to give a reading from my new short-story collection, Quiet Americans, but I also had time to tour the exhibitions, and I’m so glad that I did.

    While I was there, I learned about a forthcoming event that may be of interest to some of you:

    The National Museum of American Jewish Military History and The Washington DC Jewish Community Center present:

    Family Stories: Daughters, Mothers, and Bubbes
    Sunday May 1, 2011, 1pm-5pm

    Are you a photographer, an artist, a filmmaker? A writer or storyteller? A stand-up comedian, dancer, or singer? Always wanted to try one of these? Come show off your talents!

    On May 1, the museum and the Washington, DC Jewish Community Center will devote this special afternoon to some of the most important women in our lives. We invite you to portray your beloved female relatives through a skit, scrapbook, video, song and dance routine, or whatever your imagination can conjure.

    For more details and submission information, please visit the NMAJMH website.

    As Promised: Handout for “Beyond Bagels & Lox: Jewish-American Fiction in the 21st Century”

    Last night I returned from an exhilarating several days in Washington, where I attended the annual conference of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) and visited the National Museum of American Jewish Military History for a reading from Quiet Americans. I have so much to share with you about this trip, but for the moment, I want to focus on last Thursday’s conference panel: “Beyond Bagels & Lox: Jewish-American Fiction in the 21st Century,” which was listed in the conference program as follows:

    Beyond Bagels and Lox: Jewish-American Fiction in the 21st Century. (Erika Dreifus, Andrew Furman, Kevin Haworth, Margot Singer, Anna Solomon) Jewish-American fiction has long been seen as a literature of emigration from the shtetl, assimilationist angst, and overprotective parents. But what’s nu? How do Americans born decades after the Holocaust and the birth of the State of Israel deal with those complex subjects in fiction? Who are the new Jewish immigrant characters? How does American Jewry’s more than 350-year history inspire plot/setting? And how are writers today influenced by Judaism’s rich multilingual and spiritual legacy?

    We were assigned a fairly large meeting room, and we were delighted to see that the room was packed. In fact, we ran out of the handouts we’d brought with us, so I promised to post the handout online. Please click here for the PDF. As noted on the handout, our reading list is utterly incomplete–as would be any single-page, double-sided document of this sort. But we think that the handout can be useful nonetheless.

    A round of thanks to my amazing co-panelists, and to our interested and engaged audience.